Carly's point of veiw: iSurprise Spencer

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I'm home from Italy. It was really lonely so my dad told me I could come home to Spencer. I haven't told Spencer thought. I plan to surprise him.
As I walk up to the door. I find it open so I jump into the room and Spencer's standing in the kitchen. I yell...
Carly: I'm home...
Spencer runs over to the sofa.
Spencer: Carly... AHHHHH!!!!
Carly: What is it?
Spencer: Blood. Blood on the sofa.
Carly: OH MY GOD! That's a lot of blood. Who's is it?
Spencer: Its Sam's.
Carly: OH MY GOD! Where is she now?
Spencer: At the Bensons.
Carly: What happened?
Spencer: I... I ummmm... Don't know. All I know is that about half an hour ago, Freddie came in here carrying Sam yelling for help. And Sam was in a lot of pain. Like screaming and everything. And according to Mrs Benson they are some of the nastiest cuts she's ever seen. Sam also has a lot of scars and bruises.
Carly: I'm going around there to see her.
Spencer nodded then he went back to the kitchen.

Oh my god. Sam hurt. It's Sam. She doesn't get hurt. And she was in a lot of pain. That's not like Sam at all.
When I get to the Bensons I bang on the door. Then I hear Mrs Benson
Mrs Benson: Freddie can you get it. I don't what the food to burn.
Freddie: Shhh mum Sam's still asleep. And no I can't coz I'm putting a bandage on a cut I just found on her head.
Mrs Benson: Well I can't get it.
In the end I just open the door and walk in.
Carly: Sweet Jeese you could of just yelled come in.
Mrs Benson: Carly you're back. Have you heard about Sam.
Carly: I'm back and yes. That's why I'm here. Is it okay if I go up and see her.
Mrs Benson: Yes of course.

I take off my shoes and I walk up stairs and I go into Freddie's room and I see Freddie sitting on the bed next to Sam. He wasn't even aware that I'd walked in. He was too busy starring at her. Just in case she woke.

Carly: You really love her don't you?
Freddie: yea..... Wait no.... What.... Huh... Oh Carly you're back.
Carly: Yeah I'm back.
Freddie: So I'm guessing you know about Sam. I heard Spencer scream then yell blood.
Carly: Yeah there was blood on the sofa. Sam's blood to be exact.
Freddie: Yeah she had a lot of bruises, cuts and scars. And she has this horrible slash down her stomach. That's one of the reasons I think she passed out just before her final injection.
Carly: Yeah I know about that. Because she went to hospital. I still don't know why it was in LA. Anyway you're the one that found her like that. Do you know what happened?
Freddie: Well all I know is Pam moved in four floors below us. And when we dropped Sam of there this morning after she was home from the hospital. Her mum told us to go because Sam needed rest. About 2 hours later I was walking to her house to check on her. And I found her sitting out side it. I asked her what she was doing and she said her mum kicked her out. And I could here her mum yelling from inside the apartment. When I tried to get Sam standing, her legs gave in on her and she almost hit the floor again but I caught her and carried her to your apartment. I would of taken her to mine but I didn't know for definite that my mum would treat her.

Aww. That's sweet he really does love her.

Carly: Okay. We need to ask Sam what happened.
Freddie: Agreed.
Carly: is she still asleep?
Freddie: yep.
Carly: okay.

I just hope Sam's okay. And I think that's what Freddie wants too.

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