Freddie's point of veiw: iTake Care Of Sam

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After my mum had finished cleaning up Sam. Because she was still out cold my mum told me to take her into our apartment and put her in my bed to rest.
As I was carrying her I had just entered our apartment and she slowly woke up.
Sam: Freddie. What happened, where are we going?
Freddie: you're going to get some proper rest. My mum stitched you up and put bandages where they were needed. And now she told my so you can get some rest I'm putting you in my bed.
Sam: Oh. I feel really tired.
Freddie: then go to sleep. You've had a long day of pain and injuries.
Sam: but I can't sleep in your bed. Where are you going to sleep.
Freddie: I'll sleep on the bean bag.
Sam: but you c...
Freddie: no Sam. You need the bed so you can heal properly.
Just as I said that I noticed that she'd just fallen asleep in my arms. She looked really cute.
Just as I put her on the bed mum came in with clean pjs and told me to go into the living room for a few minutes. When I went back into the bed room Sam was in the pjs asleep in the bed. Now this looked cuter than she did in my arms.

iCarly: Sam and Freddie the conclusionWhere stories live. Discover now