Sam's point of view: iHate Carly and Freddie

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I've been at the Bensons for a week now. I haven't been allowed out of bed because I needed to rest according to Mrs Benson. But now finally I'm allowed over Carly's.
In the morning Freddie helped me down stairs to my wheel chair then he wheeled me to Carly's. For the whole week I pretended to be happy. I pretended not to be mad. But now I can tell him and Carly how I really feel.

When we got there I didn't say anything until,
Carly: Hi,
Beck: Oh hi Sam how are you feeling?
Sam: oh. Hi Carly. Hi Beck. You wanna know how I'm feeling. I'll tell you later other wise either Carly and Freddie will tell everybody.
Freddie: Sam where's this come from, you've been fine all week.
Sam: No. You think I've been fine.
Carly: Has she had her insulin?
Freddie: Yes.
Beck: Pain killer?
Freddie: Yes.
Beck: Sam what's wrong?
Sam: what's wrong why don't you ask Carly or Freddie, you guys obviously know more about this than me. Otherwise you wouldn't of told the police.
Carly: Actually FREDDIE did it.
Freddie: What!?!
Sam: You.... You.... Damn I hate this wheel chair it makes me smaller than everyone!
Freddie: Look Sam. I only did it bec....
Sam: No.
Carly: To be honest I think Freddie was right to go to the police.
Sam: So he rips my family apart but no... He was right.
Freddie: Sam...
Sam: No Freddie.

Just after I said that a tear fell down my cheek. I had to get out of there.

Carly: Sam he tried to help.
Sam: Tried to help. Ha... Ha.... He tried to help by getting Melonie kicked out of school.
Freddie: Oh My God! Guys I'm not that gullible. There is no Melonie.
Sam: Freddie you'll never get it will you.

Without thinking I turned and wheeled my self out of there.

Freddie: Sam! Please come back. Sam!
Carly: I'll go after her.
Beck: No I'll go. I'm the only one she's not mad at.
Freddie/Carly: Okay.

iCarly: Sam and Freddie the conclusionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora