Sam's point of view

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My ribs really hurt. And my head. Actually my whole body is really painful. When I opened my eyes I looked at the clock and it was half 10 at night. And I heard banging at the door. The front door. Then Carly ran in.
Carly: Sam! Sam!
She yelled while running up the stairs.
Carly: they're arresting your mum.
Sam: What w... Why?
Carly: The police said it was because of abuse.
Sam: w...what!?!
Carly: Don't worry Sam. She'll be fine and you'll be better off without her look at you.

I decided to get up to try and help her. But when I got up I took about five steps of pain before my legs gave up.

Carly: Sam!?!
Yelled Carly as I fell to the floor.
Sam: I'm fine. Can you just help me to the bed.
Carly: Sure.
When Carly helped me to the bed she went and got Mrs Benson to make sure I didn't try and leave again. And she sat by the bed till I fell asleep.
In the end I was just pretending. I pretended to be asleep so she'd go.
It kept going over it in my head. Either Carly of Freddie told. They said they were my best friends and that they wouldn't tell. But they did. I can't be somewhere where I can't trust anyone. In the end I checked the time and the clock said 3:42am. I didn't know I'd been up that long.
I tried to get up and this time I lasted longer. I grabbed my bag which still had my clothes in it. And I got up and snuck out. Before I left I wrote 2 notes one to Freddie and one to Carly.
The first one said:

Dear Freddie,
I asked you and Carly not to tell anyone. And you both promised you wouldn't but one of you obviously did. Now since I have a dad that doesn't want me and I have no mum Melonie will get kicked out of school and put in some care home and I don't know what will happen to me. So I've gone. Don't expect to see me for a long long time.
Freddie I need to tell you something. When I said that maybe we were trying to force our selves into a boy friend girl friend relationship, I only said it because I didn't know what else to say. I've always loved you and I won't ever stop.
Love Sam
Bye xxxx

Carly's note said:

You have always been my best friend. And I will never stop loving you. You're like my sister. But either you or Freddie told someone about my mum. And I can't live somewhere where I don't know who to trust. I'm sorry. But I've left. And you probably won't see me for a long long time. I'll miss you and I've taped something to the bottom of this note. I love you Carly.
Love Sam
Bye xxxx

I couldn't help it but as I left Freddie's house I started to cry well not cry but the odd few tears came down my cheeks. I went into Carly's room and I put the note on her bedroom door. Then I got in the lift and went.

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