Sam's point of view

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Well that went well. Afterwards Mrs Benson ran out.
Mrs Benson: I heard Sam yell. Is everything Okay?
Freddie: Yeah. We were about to come in anyway.
Said Freddie as he turned and started to wheel me in.
Beck: Bye Sam.
I just glared at him. I didn't care what anyone thought. And apparently neither did Freddie since he also glared at Beck.

Freddie got me up the stairs and onto the bed.
Freddie: Right. I'm going to go and talk to Jade I'll be back soon.
Sam: No. Freddie don't.
I say but he doesn't listen and he walks to the door.
So without thinking I get up and walk to him.
Sam: Freddie. Please don't.
Then my legs gave in on me. And Freddie caught me.
Then he helped me back to the bed. Then he sat down next to me and said,
Freddie: Sam are you alright?
Sam: ...
I didn't have time to speak because Freddie leaned in and kissed me.
It felt amazing. At first it was just light but then it went a bit deeper. We kept on for at least 15 seconds probably 20.
When we pulled apart he tucked some loose strands of hair behind my ear and said:
Freddie: Sam. I love you.
Sam: Freddie. I love you too.

iCarly: Sam and Freddie the conclusionWhere stories live. Discover now