Freddie's point of veiw

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I heard the yell.
Freddie: Sam!
I ran out to see Jade standing there Sam's wheel chair lying on its side and Sam lying on the floor next to it.
Freddie: Sam what happened?
I say while helping her up.
Sam: Jade pushed me.
Beck: What the hell do you think you're doing? Why?
Jade: I don't have to explain anything to anyone. Especially not you.
Beck: Well you kinda do coz you pushed my friend out of her wheel chair.
Freddie: You could of undone her stitches. Or even worse she could of needed more after this.
I stood there staring at Jade.
Freddie: Come on Sam. Let's get you back into bed.
I say while I start to wheel Sam back into the apartment.

iCarly: Sam and Freddie the conclusionWhere stories live. Discover now