Chapter 3 - Back at it again

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'Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting sta--'

Stupid alarms.

I rubbed my eyes after turning off my morning alarm. The song that I was using had once been my favourite, but as time passed I've grown to hate it. Well, not hate it, but it bores me.

The struggle of waking up to it every day, I suppose.

Pulling the covers away, I stretched. My back still hurt a little, and I was right that a few bruises would appear when I got home. Turns out it was only three. As for Ludmila, she caused me nothing actually. Just a small bump, that would probably be gone tomorrow.

Getting up from the bed, I dragged myself to the bathroom, sleepily. After my usual morning routine, I returned to my room and walked towards the closet. Opening it, I was met with piles and piles of clothes, some favourites that I wore every week, others not so much, and some that I had never even put on.

After spending at least a minute on contemplating what to wear, I decided on a blue denim skirt and white tank top that I would put inside it. I left my hair at their natural wavy state and put on the light makeup I was used to every day.

My phone in hand and some money in my skirt pocket, I proceeded to go downstairs for breakfast. I had some time before classes started.

However, I was surprised to find only dad sitting, and everyone else gone. No sign of Olga and Ramallo. As for Angie, I guessed she had already left to the Studio, being a teacher and all.

Sitting down on a chair, I poured some cereal into an empty bowl, and afterwards some milk. "Morning, dad."

He was reading a newspaper, which he lowered upon hearing me talk. Dad flashed me a bright smile before taking a sip of his coffee. "Morning, sweetheart. How are you doing?"

I took a mouthful of cereal and my answer was delayed, as I was eating. Dad chuckled at my absolutely hungry state, as I glared at him playfully.

"Better than ever," I lied. I had been better, no denying that. "You?"

"I wish I could say the same. Work has consumed me, all of me. I'm lucky to be reading this newspaper right now," He sighed, and shook his head slightly.

The corners of my mouth lifted up to an apologetic smile. My heart felt for him. It had been hard ever since we lost mum. Dad has been coping well, but there are times you can't really help but feel overwhelmed.

"Can't you just take a day off, or something? You've been working non-stop for the past weeks," I told him, worry making its way to my face.

Unfortunately, he shook his head. "If I take a day off, it will be taken away from our holiday vacation." With another sigh, he put the newspaper away and took a bite from the toast he had on his plate.

Seriously? This was how the adult world worked? You wanted some time for yourself, to calm down, to ease your mind, yet if you indeed took that time, it would be taken away from your summer holidays?

That was why I never wanted to grow up.

"But you own the company, don't you? I don't- I don't understand.." I spoke, frustrated, as dad let out a small chuckle.

He then, smiled at me, a sad smile that I had been used to, at last. "It's better that way. Don't trouble your mind with these, you're only seventeen. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Right now, I want you to go the Studio, have fun, and do what you always wanted to do. Sing your heart out."

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