Chapter Twenty Six - Part 2

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I can hear him calling me...

But how can I tell him that I'm okay?

He obviously doesn't think I'm alright, and I know that I'm unconscious, but it feels alright. I'm warmer and lighter than I've ever been before.

It almost feels like someone has wrapped me up tightly in a duvet and lifted me high above their head. I'm not scared.

Only the Doctor is scared.

I should tell him not to be.

Somehow, I feel my finger raise in my unconsciousness and touch the Doctor's hand. He's not the only one in the room. There are two others too, but he's the only one I can reach.

"Doctor," I say through my mind, hoping that the Doctor can hear me. "I'm okay. But I have to tell you something."

"What?" he replies frantically.

"Remember me."

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