Part 2 - Chapter Twenty Five

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"It's not working," Clara screams, turning the sonic round and round in the charger, trying to see if something might happen. "Doctor!!"

She knows that the Doctor can't hear her, or at least she thinks it's that way. His regeneration is a lot louder than she thought it would be. But she doesn't want his face to change. She fancies him the way he is already and if he changed, Clara doesn't know what she'd do.

Clara pulls the sonic out of the charger and slams it down on the TARDIS floor, smashing it with the ball of her foot. "You stupid thing do something!" she yells, tears forming in her frustrated eyes. "Save him! Save him please!"

She looks up at the Doctor who's in the midst of regenerating. He doesn't look any different through the flames he's exerting. Maybe nothing will happen.

Clara cautiously approaches the Doctor. Now that she's closer, she can see his usually brown/black hair fading to grey.

He's becoming older.


She breaks out into a sprint towards the Doctor, with her arms slightly outstretched.

I need to save him. He needs to be saved. I might die doing this, but so what? I'm saving the Doctor, again, because that's the reason I exist. I was put on this planet so many times to save the Doctor, no matter what face he has. But I need this face to stay, even if it means sacrificing myself, Clara thinks.

She arrives to where the Doctor is standing with her heart beating up into her throat and her face drowning in her tears. Clara extends her arms out hastily and wraps them around the Doctor's flame-engulfed body.

Clara's whole body feels liken it's being set ablaze. Her body temperature is way past being the normal 37 degrees Celsius. It feels like it's over 100, but she's still not dead. She tries letting out a scream, but nothing escapes her mouth. The pain she's enduring is so painful that she can't utter a single word or phrase.

Looking up through burning eyes, she notices that the regeneration energy surrounding the Doctor's body is diminishing and his normal hair color is starting to fade back from the grey it temporarily was.

I love you Doctor. Please don't ever leave me. Please don't ever change.

Clara, I promise.

Then all Clara sees us blackness.

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