Chapter Fourteen

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*Amy's POV*

The trip to Trenzalore was not fun. First of all, i didn't really want to go there and second, this is ALL the Doctor's fault. He had to open River's journal. I'll never forgive him or River's TARDIS journal.

The trip first started out with a bang. The bang was louder than a gun shot and made all of our ears bleed. Then, a bright light took over our eyesight and nearly blinded us and finally, we literally fell onto Trenzalore. A crack opened up in the stars and spit us out right onto the dark damp ground of this mysterious planet. I land on top of someone. I look straight into the person's eyes and i don't know them.

"Ello!" The girl says. "I'm Star! Welcome to Trenzalore!" 

I get off the girl and a scream comes out of nowhere. And of course, i react.

"STAR!!!!! IT'S AUGUST!!!" Comes from a distance. Me and Rory look at each other and bolt to the noise. Once we get to our destination, we find a girl in the clutches of a weeping angel. Next to her is another girl.

"Hello!!!" The girl next to the weeping angel says. "I'm Jeanette. My friend August got stuck in a weeping angel again. Can you help us??"

"Yeah." Rory says wondering why the girl said "again". 

I think about what i should do for a minute. It's a weeping angel and it can move only when it's not seen. I bend down with my eyes still on the weeping angel and pick a wad of dirt off the ground and throw it at my husband. I blink right at the moment he flinches and the weeping angel let go of August and is now heading in my direction. My plan has worked and......... i don't know what to do now.

"What did you do?" Jeanette asks me shyly. "These things are deadly!! They take you in a blink of an eye. Literally!!"

Star comes running up behind me and looks around. "Magnificent!!!" she says happily. "It usually takes hours to get her out of a weeping angel. We have to bolt cutters!!"

I keep looking at the weeping angel while Star is talking behind me. "DOCTOR!!" I yell staring at the statue.

The Doctor (11 and 12)  and everybody else comes up next to me and they immediately stop in their tracks once they see the monster standing before us. "I have an idea! 12 blurts out. "Everybody into the TARDIS!!!"

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