Chapter Five

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*Amy's POV*

"What do you mean, go back in time?" I ask the Doctor flying the dirty TARDIS. "Why would we need to do that?"

"The Martha right now is very....... different." The Doctor starts to explain. "When we traveled together, at first, she was a nurse. Now she's an alien fighting machine with a top secret government group. I don't want that traveling with us because bad things could happen."

I stare at the Doctor's eyes which are full of age and mystery. He seems to regret things that he's done in the past and regrets things that he knows he's going to do in his future. You can tell that he's younger than the current Doctor, but they are so much older at the same time.

"Doctor?" I ask. "How old are you?"

"A little bit over 900 years." He replies while still flying the time machine. "Why?"

"No reason." I reply back.

The TARDIS lands and a knocking noise fills the room. The Doctor walks over to the door and cautiously opens it. Outside it is snowing and we seem to be on a small side road for walking only. There is a girl standing before the TARDIS. She's probably 12 or 13. 

"Hi!" She says. "It's freezing outside and i was looking for a warm place to stay. May i come in?"

I gesture for the Doctor to let the girl in and he steps aside and lets the shivering girl into the TARDIS. She sits down on one of the steps and warms up. "Are you the Doctor?" She asks the time lord.

"Yes." The Doctor replies. "How do you know who i am?"

"Because i'm a time lord." She says. "Do you know what Bad Wolf is?"


"That's me too."  She says then her eyes turn yellow. "I take a different form now."

"What are you doing here?" Rose butts in. "Shouldn't you be inside the TARDIS?"

"I should. But, I'm not." She says mysteriously.

"Well, why are you here then?" Clara asks Bad Wolf. 

"To help find Martha!!" She yips.

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