Chapter Twenty Two

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Author's Note:

From now on, each chapter on The Unforgivable Journal will be in the third person, so it won't be in anyone's POV. The chapter's will also be longer, and, well, better. I took a little time off to work on my writing skills, so i really hope you like the chapters better than the old ones. And thank you all so much for reading my story!! It already has over 3,000 reads!! All you readers are so nice and make my day when i see such positive things you all write about my story.

I'm also narrowing down the number of characters since THERE ARE SO MANY and any of you who entered the character contest i had earlier in the story and won, and didn't get their character put in the story, PM and i'll send you shoutouts to follow you. I'm sorry if your character wasn't able to be put in the story. I may bring them into the story later, but it really depends on what is happening in the story.

And one more thing. Erica, my best friend Erica, just a warning about this chapter. I am so sorry. You'll see why. :( This chapter just got really serious.


The Doctors followed the scientist into the back room with, somehow, no care in the world. How could they act like this when something bad might happen? With timelords, almost anything could happen.

Clara, Amy, Rory, the new acquaintances and River followed the Doctors and the scientist who is willing to help out the large crowd of time travelers help get their friend Strax back.

Out of nowhere, River stumbled over a cable and something flew out of the bag she had flung over her shoulder and everyone stopped as a large "thud" entered their ears. Everyone turned to see what caused the noise right as River's face melted into sadness.

"River," the 12th Doctor sternly said. "Close it right now."

River's journal lay on the ground on a heap on cables open the worst page of the entire book. The page about something that should have happened, but didn't. Something she hoped that would never happen.

Amy and Rory looked over Clara's shoulders and looked down at the book and confusion crossed their faces. Everyone except them and the new acquaintances new what was going to happen.

River lunged out to slam the book shut, but she knew it was too late. The light's in the room started to flicker abnormally and lightning stirred outside. The new timetraveler's presence started to fade one by one. First Jenny, then Star, Jeanette, Jordan, Elizabeth, and finally August. They disappeared. A tremor shakes the ground and the scenery changes. Instead of being in a warehouse, we're in a graveyard.

River looks around frantically and both of her eyes land of her parents, Amy and Rory. They look confused. Neither of them know what is happening.

"Doctor?" Clara asks. "This isn't supposed to happen. We stopped it."

The 12th Doctor furrows up his eyebrows and scratches his hair. "Somehow, it was still possible for this event to happen. River saw it happen. It has to happen now." His eyes become wet with tears and he leads his eyes over to Amy and Rory. "I'm so sorry."

Rory looks down at a gravestone he was standing beside and looks at Amy, who is standing a few feet away from him, looking him right in the eye. "Amy! Come see this."

"What?" Amy asks, taking a few steps towards her husband.

"There's a gravestone here for someone with the same name as me," Rory says, pointing at the gravestone he's staring at, right as Amy comes to his side to see it for herself.

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