I hate flying

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{authors note: since I realize that pretty much all of my destiel thus far has been kinda dark this is some happy fluff enjoy!}

"That is not flying! That is teleporting!" Dean was in a heated debate about Cas's method of traveling.

Cas sighed, trying to convince Dean to change his mind was harder than getting a donkey to tap dance. "I only 'teleport' as you say, because I recall Sam explaining your dislike for actually flying."

"So you're telling me that when you zap us to Russia to save us from fate or whatever, were actually flying? Shouldn't we feel the wind, or be above the ground?" Dean was shell shocked that he had been "flying" as frequently has he had, considering after the demon-on-an-airplane hunt he and Sam had pulled years ago he had vowed to never fly ever again.

"Yes" Cas sighed Dean was smarter than he let on but he could be dense when he wanted. Case in point the fact that Dean had been oblivious to Cas's odd feelings as of late. He didn't know what it was but even when he and Dean bickered he enjoyed deans attention. It was increasingly difficult to get Dean alone considering both boys rarely left the bunker unless there was a hunt, or supplies were low. A brilliant idea came to Cas to get Dean to himself, even if it was only for a few moments. "I could always, what is the term? 'Take of  the training wheels'. I could give you the flight experience that you believe in" at first he thought Dean would not take the offer but after the sudden fear had passed over deans eyes he steeled himself and agreed.

"Uh.. Sure it can't be worse than that damn airplane" he so didn't wanna do this but... He didn't want Cas to think he was a weak little human, just cause Cas was his friend.. Right?

"If you drop me..."

"I would never do that Dean. You're much too important to me..." Dean turned his head in confusion and asked

"Wait what did you sa-SONOFABITCH!!!!!!!" As Cas lifted off at full speed to get deans mind off that slip of the tongue.

As they reached higher and higher Cas smoothed his flight and Dean finally opened his eyes. He clung onto Cas with a vice grip, terrified to fall. As the world spread out below them Dean finally said

"This is beautiful. I never knew the world was so green." Cas just gazed at the green in deans eyes and replied

"Thank you. My father made it himself in 6 days" it was true. Cas had seen it and been amazed, and then he had met Dean...

He realized that Dean had caught him staring and Cas felt a bit awkward, it came as a surprise when Dean just grinned and expressed his newfound joy of flying.

"Just not in an airplane" it made Cas laugh that the Dean Winchester was afraid of flying and not demons, ghosts, or any number of the things he hunted.

After flying for a happy little infinity (TFIOS references... I couldn't help it) Cas and Dean came down.

"Thanks Cas. With all the crap going on it was nice to get away from it all"

"It was my pleasure Dean. We haven't been... Close in awhile" Dean just nodded and patted Cas's shoulder as he prepared to go inside the motel room. On an impulse Cas grabbed deans hand and turned him around.

"Cas?mmmph...." Was all Dean could get out as Cas kissed him softly against the hotel wall. Dean was surprised but he didn't mind, there were worse people to have fallen for. When Cas pulled away he looked in deans eyes and said

"Ever since I raised you from perdition, I felt... Strange, happy around you...what do I do now?"

"Now Cas, you don't let me fall"

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