Devils don't fly

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Inspired by the AMAZING YouTube video by angeldove who makes the best destiel videos I've ever seen. Set when Dean still had the mark because I haven't caught up with season 11 the whole way through 😭

Dean looked in the mirror. His face bruised and bloody, with no emotion showing in his green eyes. Another hunt, another kill. Sam had returned to his room some time ago, giving Dean a worried look as he'd left.

Dean saw his eyes, those almost-soulless things, and felt fear course through him. He didn't  want to be soulless, or a demon, or even have the awful mark in the first place. All he wanted was for this boiling in his blood to stop. But it would never stop, and so, neither could he.

Dean's face had blood covering his temple, he had taken a nasty hit from a less than pleasant vampire. It didn't matter, other than a split lip and a slightly bruised cheek, all the blood on Dean wasn't his own. He felt disgusted by it, the sticky iron scented blood pasted to his face. He began to shake in rage and terror, falling to the floor as his arm burned with the heat of the mark. After regaining some semblance of control over himself, he ripped off his clothes and showered, as ferociously as one could, to get the stench off of him.

Unknown to Dean, Cas had seen Dean's episode. Saw his face change from a killer to a man full of fear and rage in an instant. It killed the angel to see his, he had though of Dean as "his" for some time now, human so afraid. He saw Dean tear off his bloodied shirt and felt an unnamed emotion speed his vessel's heart when he saw the sculpt of Dean's back and abs. He tries to shake those thoughts away as Dean showered... But he just couldn't stop.

He decided to do the one thing he could for Dean. Take the clothes, and dispose of them so Dean no longer had to see what had happened. He took the fabric and tossed it in the trash when he went to the kitchen. Cas sat at the table, looking around the room in the place the Winchesters now called home, and remembered when things were different.

Cas recalled first being assigned to the garrison to bring the righteous man from hell. He had just been a hammer then, following orders until the second he touched Dean in hell. After that it was over, he had doubts, rebelled, and had done it all for, and because, of Dean. He didn't know why this man had made him fall, maybe it was the way he smiled, when his eyes wrinkled at the corners and all of his teeth showed. Or maybe it was when Dean would put a hand on Cas's shoulder in friendship or comfort... Or maybe, well most likely, it was for him to have heard those words Dean had uttered.

"I need you."

Cas was jarred out of his thoughts by the sound of slow, heavy footsteps coming down the hallway. Dean came into the kitchen and jumped when he saw the angel sitting at the table.

"Dammit Cas... Would it kill you to call once in awhile?"

He gave a half-hearted smile and Cas just sat.

"Hello Dean... How are you?"

"Why does everyone ask me that?!!!"

Dean swiped his hand across the countertop in anger, knocking over several glass cups and cutting his hand. He yelled in frustration, and grabbed his now-bleeding hand to his chest. After his outburst he seemed drained and slumped down as Cas put a gentle arm around Dean.

"Because of things like that Dean..."

He placed his hand on dean's to heal the cuts but Dean stopped him.

"No. I need to learn to control myself."

Cas just looked Dean in the eyes as he healed the slashes in Dean's hand. The hunter just shook his head, but now a slight smile graced his face.

"What did I ever deserve to have you save me from hell?"

"I can think of several things that would suffice."

Cas smiled, his arm still around Dean's shoulders. Dean smiled at the angel and just gave in. Cas was right there, he wouldn't leave again to go save heaven or fight a war. Dean could have the angel right where he needed him. By Dean's side. He leaned up and caught Cas's lips in his own. Tentatively at first, and then more urgent, lips moving in synch with the angel's who had never felt like this in all the years of his, very long, life. Dean pulled back suddenly.

"Cas... I can't.. I can't do this.... Devils like me don't exactly fly with angels."

Cas just looked down at the hunter and shook his head.

"Dean, we write our own rules. And if Devils could fly... You still wouldn't be flying among them."

He pulled Dean back in for another passionate kiss, and for the first time in a long time... The mark was quiet.

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