Not Dead

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A/N: Special Valentine's Day Johnlock! Hope you all enjoy it 🇬🇧

John's POV

It is now Valentine's Day and the most romantic thing I've done is have a cup of tea with Mrs. Hudson.... I have reached a new low in my world of relationships. Well, relationships with girls at least.

Sherlock has gone out for the day, simple murder investigation, and I decided to finally clean up the flat. We both were in agreement that something needed to be done about the horrible, horrible state of our kitchen. Sherlock actually left to do whatever he needed for this case last night. I've been alone in here for about a day and I already miss him...

As I toss rotten food out of the refrigerator I hear a soft beeping noise begin. Looking around I move towards the living room, searching for the source of the irritating sound. I finally find a shoe box-sized parcel, hidden under the couch. It's wrapped with shiny black paper and is addressed to me... And Sherlock.

I open the box to see a tangle of wires, and the beeping speeds up. Numbers flash on a tiny screen and I drop the bomb and run downstairs to get Mrs Hudson out of the building. She's cleaning and not happy to see me stampeding into her flat and ushering her hurriedly out. I finally push her out the door of the flat when I realize I've forgotten one, extremely important thing. One of Sherlock's homeless network people was supposed to deliver a message and is climbing up the wall in the back alley!

I race back upstairs and shout at the homeless man about a bomb in the building. He drops from his perch and gets away from the flat right quick. The beeping is almost a hum now, it's going so fast, and I see it counting down from 00:10... 00:09..... I sprint back down, but I'm in the hallway when the huge noise erupts from behind. And the world plunges into darkness.

Sherlock's POV

It was a simple murder investigation. Honestly it was so boring until I found the note left for me at the crime scene...

Happy Valentine's Day Mr Holmes. I hope you and John enjoy the gift I've sent to your flat.
                        With Love
No... John can't be dead! Moriarty wouldn't have hurt him! I don't understand all these emotions coursing through me... This isn't like me, one person shouldn't make me feel so..

The police car turns onto Baker Street and I see it. The rubble goes well into the street and there are already police cars making a perimeter to keep out bystanders. But I don't see who I want to see most, I don't see him standing outside the rubble.

I exit the car before it has even stopped moving, I need to find him. I need to, need... I need John.

I push past the officers, who know me quite well by now, and dig through the largest pieces of rubble like a man possessed. I move closer to the door, and then into the inner hallway. That's when I see it... A piece of jumper that only John would wear. I grab the rubble on top of the fabric and it reveals the rest of the jumper, as well as it's owner.

His eyes are closed and his head bleeding. Covered in rock and soot, I pick him up, refusing to believe that he's dead. He can't be, he can't leave me. I feel a faint breath stir from his chest, sighing in such utter relief that I momentarily don't notice the tears on my face. I don't care anymore.

A couple of tears hit John's face and he flinches, his eyes flutter open.


"John... I-I thought you were..."

He reaches up his hand to touch the tears running down my face.

"Why are you-"

I cut him off by kissing him ferociously. I need more than words to know that he's here, that he didn't leave me alone again. We don't stop until we nearly suffocate on each other. Not wanting to let go.

"I'm so relieved that you're alive"

My voice is slightly shaky.

"Sherlock... I-I love you."

He stared at me, eyes looking fearful that I may reject him. As if I would ever be such a fool to let him down.

"And I, you"

We kiss once again and I ignore Lestrard, who is currently taking pictures and sending them to Mycroft, right now it's just me and John. And my first "happy" Valentine's Day.

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