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Takes place after the episode with famine in it I forgot the name

All Dean could hear now we're famines words in his head
"You can lie to your brother. Lie to yourself. BUT NOT TO ME. I can see how broken you are inside"

He couldn't bear to hear Sam's screams of agony as he detoxed from the "snacks" famine had sent his way.

"That's not Sam in there" Cas said. It was what everybody kept telling Dean but he still never really believed it. It was nice to have Cas, ever the good solider, lie to attempt to make Dean feel better. But this time it just reminded Dean of another person he had let down by his brokenness.

"Yeah" he drew in a sharp breath to keep tears at bay "I just.. I need a second"

Cas watched Dean escape to his car, he heard deans prayer and felt his raw hopelessness at everything that had happened during the case. Cas also did not enjoy hearing the young Winchester's suffering inside the panic room at Bobby's house so he went upstairs.

It seemed as if Dean had left to go to a local bar and Cas waited patiently for his return, occasionally assisting bobby in order to keep the crotchety hunter from becoming irritated with him. It was surprisingly early for Dean to be returning from a bar, only 12:30 at night, but he seemed no less intoxicated than all the other times Cas had seen dean. Dean almost fell as he turned away from his car, Cas flew to catch him and Dean smiled drunkenly at Cas

"Thaaaaaanksssss.... Buddy...." Dean being drunk had never been an event Castiel enjoyed watching. It was simply another way the brother hid from his feelings.

"You're not well"

"Thanks. Captain... Oblivious!"

"Dean please. I need you to be... You, drinking yourself into oblivion isn't going to help anyone"

"Yeah well. It's the only thing I have right now" he looked sober for just long enough to show his weariness.

"You have me Dean" Cas helped Dean to the couch "I will never abandon you, I will keep you safe"

"Th-thanks Casss... I really really need someone to..." He finally slipped into sleep as Cas laid him down.

"Dean, you need to be more careful" Cas looked at his sleeping form. Free of all his daytime worries Dean looked happier. It had been a precious few time deans face had looked like that when he was awake and each time Cas saw that he felt his vessels heart hitch.

"I will make you smile Dean. I will help you and Sam. Even if you don't feel for me I will stay by you. I only need you to be happy" suddenly Dean murmured in a completely sobered voice.

"You're so stupid.... If you're not happy, how could I ever be?"

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