Im in love with an angel

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Based off of a YouTube video but not this exact one. I love this so much it's by a band called "Theory of a Deadman" if I remember it correctly. And also HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!! No better way to celebrate than with the greatest love story ever told with a songfic. Enjoy! Oh and I also changed the feminine pronouns to masculine so I just changed "her" to "his"

I'm in love with an angel
Dean couldn't believe it

Heaven forbid
He wanted so badly for it to be false. For him not to have found someone other than Sam who made him feel happy. He didn't deserve such an angel as Castiel.

Made me a believer, with the touch of his skin
When he had first laid eyes on the Angel with his mighty wings in that old barn... He's not believed in a higher power. In God, but this one Angel could not have been created by anyone or thing who was less than perfect.

I'd go to hell and back with you stay lost in what we've found
He could loose himself forever in those endless blue eyes, it didn't matter that they were hunted. As long as they were hunted together.

Worlds apart we were the same until we hit the ground, maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm weak, maybe I'm blinded by what I see

Castiel had never intended to love Dean. When he had first been with him those few days and weeks he had only seen a broken shell. But now, he could not look away from his righteous man, and he did not care if he was weakened by Dean Winchester.

You wanted a solider, But it wasn't me, Cause I could never set you free

He felt he had failed Dean. He had rebelled, but now he had put them in even more danger

So fly, on your own, it's time I let you go, Go!

Cas has left him... Dean couldn't understand. He prayed day and night, looked for demons to tell where Cas was. But it was not use, his angel was gone

I'm in love with an angel, who's afraid of the light

Cas couldn't go back to Dean after a whole year. It would be so cruel of him to go back to the man who had lit up his existence. But he saw Dean's suffering. And he couldn't bear it

His halo is broken, but there's fight in his eyes

"Cas... We can fix this. We can stop all of this badness. But please... I need you with me, I WANT you with me again" Dean sees those eyes he's dreamed of for the year Cas has been gone and the world has almost gone to hell.
"Hello Dean"

Walls were built to keep us safe until they're crashing down

The three of them against the world. Yes, that is how it is meant to be. Sam smiles, Dean has been saved again by Castiel

Worlds apart we were the same until you hit the ground

He didn't care that Cas only has some of his grace back. They wouldn't be torn apart by something as stupid as species. They figured it out, just like they always do

Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm weak, maybe I'm blinded by what I see

They were blinded by each other. All they can see now is how they can all be safe, how they can all be together

You wanted a solider, but it wasn't me, cause I could never set you free

When they met, they never expected anything less than the solider angel and the obedient righteous man.

So fly on your own, it's time I let you go

Sparks flew and they let go. But they let go of their pasts, and they hung on to their future

Walls were built to keep us safe until they're crashing down

Cas broke down the walls of purgatory for Dean

Worlds apart we were the same until you hit the ground

Dean helped Cas to leave the ground and fly again

Maybe I'm crazy
They would never be normal

Maybe I'm weak
They were so strong when they fought together

Maybe I'm blinded by what I see
They wouldn't let anything blind them from each other

You wanted a solider, but it wasn't me
Now all Dean wanted was Cas, however Cas was

Cause I could never set you free
Cas had set Dean free from so much

So fly, on your own
"Take us with you"

It's time I let you go
Dean would never let Cas go

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