A lot can happen in a night

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Dean watched Cas, who looked terrified, walk away with Chastity and laughed. He felt proud of his young pupil, he was learning human ways fast.

As the tan trench coat disappeared behind a skanky looking beaded doorway Dean couldn't help but feel a little sense of loss... And a surprising jealousy of Chastity. Whatever, he just wasn't used to hunting solo.

After a short time a pretty brunette caught his eye. Taking one last sip for luck he headed over to use his patented Dean charm with the ladies, of course his legendary skills guaranteed him at least one person with their eyes on his ass.

As he began to flirt with the waitress he heard a shrill scream erupt form behind the beaded curtain and raced towards the sound. A comic scene revealed itself to him as he pushed into the hallway.

"Screw you! Jerk!" Another shrill yell, the blonde walked towards him and said "Screw you too!" And finally she left muttering about what bastards he and Cas were. A confused angel with his trench coat hanging off on shoulder looked at Dean.

"I don't understand... I told her it wasn't her fault her father left. It was because he hated his job at the post office" Dean sighed, exasperated with poor clueless Cas.

"C'mon Cas... This business runs on absent fathers! It's the natural order." He laughed a bit as he strode to Cas, just as two burly security guards came behind the scenes as well. Dean took one look and grabbed Cas by the shoulder. "Ok time to go!" The pair raced out of the hall and down a set of stairs that deposited them in the alley behind the "den of iniquity"

When they were in the clear Dean burst out laughing. Cas smiled a bit, the human looked so pleasant when he smiled. He looked even more beautiful than he already was.... He shook the thoughts from his head as he asked "what's so funny?"

"Oh nothing" Dean clapped Cas's shoulder "it's been a long time since I've laughed that hard" they both continued to smile as they entered the impala. As the low growl of the engine overtook the silence between then Cas glanced over to his companion.

When he had pulled Dean out of hell Dean had been a mess. His body had been torn apart by the hell hound and as Cas had repaired the damage done he couldn't help but admire how beautiful his father had crafted this man. His eyes, strong jawline, and hard beauty called to Cas to admire them. But it was deans actions that set his feelings for the hunter apart from those of his brother.

Dean was so desperate to be a hero that he didn't see how amazing he was, giving up his life for family and trusting a skewed angel. As thoughts of Dean tumbled in his mind Cas almost didn't notice Dean looking sideways at him and asking "you ok there? Do I have something on my face?"

"Yes." It was time to attempt what Sam had called a pick-up-line "it was just handsome" deans face flushed a bit at the compliment and they rode back to the dilapidated house in a happy silence.


Dean watched Cas with a little bit of awe as he stood down Raphael.

"Castiel. Do not leave me here" the trapped archangel gave a menacing glare "I will find you"

"Maybe one day. But today you're my little bitch" Cas exited like a badass as Dean followed up with the best thing to say after a declaration like that

"What he said" as they left Raphael trapped in a circle of holy flame amid a monstrous storm. As the impala rolled out of the driveway Dean looked at Cas with a huge grin. "Man I don't think you could get more awesome" or sexy... Said a little voice in the back of his mind.

The way the light had framed the angle's jaw, how his blue eyes had reflected the flame, and the wind blew his coat showed Dean the amazing beauty and power of his angel. Admittedly Dean knew he couldn't go back to pretending that Cas was just his friend in his own mind but, since Cas wasn't exactly skilled at picking up when he was being admired, hiding his feelings from the Angel shouldn't be a problem.

As they continued down a lonely highway the car began to slow and stop just as Dean pulled over to see what the problem was. Turns out in their haste to escape the wrath of Raphael they hadn't checked for gas and the were out in the middle of nowhere. "Dammit" Dean muttered as he saw the fuel gauge "looks like we're spending the night in good ol' baby"

"Dean I don't require sleep"

"Well if you don't want to stay you can go off and keep on looking for God." Dean felt a little bit of disappointment at the thought of Cas leaving him.

"No... I'll stay with you, if you don't mind" Cas looked almost timid, which was hilarious after facing down an archangel. Dean smiled and moved to the backseat to stretch out and lay down.

As his head hit the leather of the seats they felt different, not like leather but more like cloth. He looked up and saw that his head was on Castiel's lap. "This seems like it would be more comfortable for you" he said a bit stiffly.

"Thanks Cas" Dean smiled "goodnight" in mere moments Dean was fast asleep and Cas watched as the hunters face grew peaceful. He couldn't resist stroking deans soft hair and finally his hand lingered of the side of his face. Looking down at the relaxed expression Dean wore Cas noticed deans lips had parted softly as he fell deeper into sleep. It was too much for the Angel to resist. Dean always knew just how to weaken his resolve, even without knowing it.

Before his courage failed Cas leaned down and softly brushed his own lips over deans. What he didn't expect, though, was a response to his lips. Deans hunter instincts had prodded him awake as soon as he felt Cas's lips connect with his own. He kissed back, molding his lips to his angel's and savoring it until Cas pulled away gently tugging at deans lower lip as he did so.

"Damn Cas" was all Dean could say. Cas blushed and simply said,

"I couldn't resist"

"Well then" Dean smirked "I should let baby run out of gas more often" and they kissed once more, putting Chastity's flirtations to shame.

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