Perhaps In The Morning

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She opened the door slowly as if scared it would wake me up. I listened as she carefully made her way across the carpeted floor before stopping at the bed side. While my brain screamed for me to roll over and let her know I was awake my heart told me to keep still. I had never been one to think with my head so why should I start now? I kept my body still and my breathing even.

I listened as her thoughts screamed in the silence while she ran outcomes of her next move in her head. It felt like two lifetimes had passed before she made up her conflicted mind and slowly slide under the blankets. I felt as she situated herself as far away from me as possible like the briefest touch would ignite a fire. I wanted to reach out and touch her, yet my hands stayed firmly at my side.

It took a few moments before the whispering of clothes against sheets made their appearances. I nearly jumped when her back pressed against mine in a silent cease fire. She sighed into her own pillow, and I finally rolled over to face her back. She didn't roll to face me, but perhaps that was for the best. Tear stained cheeks always had their way of making me react without thinking. I gently kissed her covered shoulder before burying my face into the back of her neck. I know I should say sorry, apologize for words spoken in the heat of the moment, but they all died on my tongue.

Perhaps in the morning.

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