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The best thing about childhood is that you are free to make mistakes while still having time to learn. You are constantly evolving, and becoming so much greater than you can ever imagine. You are free to run, to laugh, to play. You are in a world of your own design, and it is more beautiful than you realize.

The worst thing about childhood is that you don't even know. You take each hug from your mother for granted, and scoff when your father offers you his advice. You don't know that one day you will want nothing more than to curl up into her arms and just to hear his voice one more time. As a child, you take each moment for granted because you don't know that you will spend every moment after wishing to have it back.

So go run outside until the street lights come on. Do all the things your heart desires without the fear of rejection or failure. Don't push your younger sibling into the dirt because one day they will be the only one in your corner. Hug your mother, talk to you father, laugh with your grandfather, cherish your grandmother. Childhood is your chance to be free, don't waste it.

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