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I always believed that heartbreak was crying into a half eaten ice cream carton at 2 in the morning. It was burning all of his pictures, and speaking cruelly about him to all of you friends just out of spite. I thought heartbreak was swearing off love forever because you don't think you could ever go through that sort of pain again.

I never thought that heartbreak could also be driving past your house on the way to church, and it takes everything in me not to pull into your driveway. It's sitting in my kitchen at one in the afternoon, and missing the way you would hum as you walked through. Heartbreak is seeing your name in my phone, and knowing that my phone calls are no longer welcome. I never thought it would losing all of those dreams we made together because they don't seem as right without you in them beside me.

Sometimes heartbreak is in front of the world, letting everyone and their brother see it. Sometimes, though, it is the small changes that only you feel the ripples from. I never thought losing you would leave me feeling so alone.

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