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I am trapped in an endless orbit around you. I am held hostage in this constant circling while staring down at you from a distance I cannot close. You have grown used to me, and do not look up.

Long gone are the days of you yearning to touch me. Long gone are the days of you sending gifts to me that I promised to keep safe. You've had your fun with me, and now look beyond me for what you desire. It is only in the moments of mesmerizing events do you think to look to me. It is only when our lives form an eclipse do you look upon me with wonder.

Each time it happens I convince myself this time it will be different, that this is the time that you'll realize what I am offering you, but each morning when the sun rises I reach out into a empty bed. For how could the sun, with all its shining light, come to love a barren moon. 

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