My Love for You

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My heart has always been too large and filled with love for this hate to stay. My hands have known more tender touches in the dark than harsh punches thrown out of fear. My eyes have seen too much of the goodness in you to be blinded by the words you throw out in the heat of the moment.

I wish I could hate you. I wish I could put your picture away and never want to see you again. I wish I could push you out of my life, and never glance back. But baby.., we both know that has never been my style.


In this harsh glow of florescent lights, you reach for me because you know I will always be there to take your hand. You cry into my arms, whispering apologizes about things that I have already forgiven, and beg me to stay. When I grasp your hand even tighter, I hope it lets you know that I plan to stay. I hope it speaks the words my mouth can't form, and I hope it lets you know that even in the heat of battle, my love for you will always cry out in triumph.

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