Marry Me

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Marry me, because there is no one that I would rather have here with me.

Marry me; I drink your favorite blend of coffee when you are not around because the smell reminds me of you. Coffee has never been something I yearn for.

Marry me, this adventure we call life is something I want to share with you. I want, and desperately need, you by my side.

Marry me, the flaws that you wish would disappear make my heart beat faster each time I get a glimpse of them. The snort in your life, the freckles that decorate your face, the scar on your left ankle from when you were seven; they all mean much more than you know. I love every piece of you, and I will spend my entire life worshiping everything that makes you you.

Marry me, your family has become like a second home. I adore your younger sister who is finding out who she is. I cherish your mother who knows my favorite meals, and always makes sure that I am just as happy as her own children. I admire your father who wasted no time in making sure I was perfect for you, and only with his blessing am I standing before you now.

Marry me, there is not a moment that goes by when I do not wish you were here beside me even if you are just in the other room.

Marry me, because I love you.

Marry me, because you love me.

Marry me, I have laid myself out for you. Let you read ever blood soaked page, every agonizing paragraph, each stuttering sentence that begged to be finished. I let you read the book of my life, and I want it to be the one that you never put down. I want you to be the story that I not only get to read, but the one I get to be apart of.

Marry me.

Marry me.

Will you?


She said yes.

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