Take Me Home

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Take me home.

Take me back to when bruises were carried around like badges of honor instead of being hid away in fear of what people might think. Return me to  when I could lay in soft grass, and stare at the sky and dream of who I may one day be. Take me away to where I was a dreamer who believed she could do anything. Return those lost dreams, broken faiths, and childish games to me.

Take me back to mother's kisses on foreheads, reassuring fathers' words that "all the monsters are gone", and to grandparents who speak softly but offer the warm comfort that only they can seem to offer. Give me one more moment running through fields with my cousins because that's where I can find me.

I promise I won't take it for granted.

Just give me one more day, and I promise I won't ask for another thing. Give me back this childhood I lost, and I will make you the most beautiful things.

Just take me home.

Back to where I want to be.

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