Weeping Willow

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I grew up under the leaves of a Weeping Willow.

Some days she and I were so alike,

That I could not tell where my hair began and her branches ended.

There were days where she and I would weep together.

I for some thing someone had said,

And her for something I could not come to understand.

Did she weep for her brothers who were torn down to make room for that shopping center?

Was she crying because here she was alone when once there were many?

Or did she weep knowing that I too would one day leave like all children must do?

I learned who I was as I was hiding in the branches of a Weeping Willow tree.

I learned that tears will be shed, but that alone will not ease the ache.

Some lessons I learned were taught in the schoolyard,

In a home with warring parents,

But some...,

Some I learned as leaves caressed my face

And bark pressed so hard into my side that it felt like that was the only thing grounding me.

I grew up in the shade of that old Weeping Willow,

And I grew so tall under her guidance that no one terrified me.

Just like her, I grew up strong and beautiful.

And just like her,

I weep as children grow in my loving arms.

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