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Your lips spoke nothing but sweet promises

But your eyes hold every single lie you've ever told

Your hands hold roses

But all I can see is that they are held in clenched fists

Your lips are soft as satin

But behind them hides a tongue that spews words that cut like razor blades

Echoes of warnings are all that keep me company in this bed

That you no longer see fit to remain in

The sun is my only company in the morning

And these bruises that paint my skin

Are the reminders that I have been fooled

There was a time when I would have given anything to have your hands caress me

But now I shrink away when they come close

While my heart tries to forget my brain will always remember what come next

I can hear myself pleading for mercy

But it falls flat on ears that no longer deem my voice important

Every move you make

Has me sitting on the edge of my seat

It is no longer with anticipation and love

But rather fear and heartbreak

You have become the monster my mother tried to warn me about

And I am no longer fit to draw my sword

You are raising your hand to me

And I am withering like a flower in winter

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