In You

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She looks out at the world with a cynic's gaze. She does not believe in love as to her that seems like an abstract concept. To her those that do good will always have ulterior motive even if it is not painfully obvious. Her dreams of a future were crushed by his hand, and she has not believed in future since.

She has lost her faith in everything from God to the goodness of people, but you, oh you; she has not given up on you. For when she believed in nothing she believed in you.

She will point out your flaws, your misgivings, and your failures. She will point to where you have gone wrong and mock you, but she will follow you to wherever you lead. She will watch you with all your rashness and naive beliefs, and pray that one day she can see the world like you do. You look at the world and not only see its flaws but also see the way it can be fixed. You, with your speeches that could lit up the world, have captured her admiration and respect. 

For perhaps yourself only, you have made a believer out of one who thought there was nothing to believe in. 

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