Love Again

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You believe you are so badly broken that you will never be put back together again. You say that pieces are lost, and make no attempt to locate them. Your heart is hurting but there is no remedy to stop the ache.

Love, wait.

It may take awhile, but you can slowly put yourself back together again. Maybe you'll never be "perfect", but those cracks will allow love to seep through. Those pieces were never lost rather they were just waiting for you to find them again. Perhaps someone has taken a few, but those gaps can be filled by the pieces someone is offering you. We can't stop your heart from aching with some magical cure because one does not exist. It may ache for days, months, or maybe even years, but I promise that one day you'll wake up and the ache will be so small that you will not even notice that it is there. One day you'll heart will heal and you'll be ready to love again.

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