For You

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Never let go of my hand because you think it would be easier. Never slip off that incline because the fight to climb up becomes too much. Please don't think that without you this world would be a better place because for me it wouldn't be. The stars will shine and the sun will rise, but without you it will never be as bright.

When you want to let go, know that I will only grip you tighter even when my arms start to shake. When you feel yourself fall, please know that I will be behind you to catch you and help you keep going. There is nothing on this world I want more than to wake up tomorrow and have you smiling at me. There is nothing I wouldn't give tonight to be able to hold you in the morning. So when you think this fight isn't worth fighting, have faith that I am fighting with you and I won't give up. Maybe it's cliche to say but you are not alone and you never will be. Always keep fighting for this battle is not lost.

{Side Note: It's World Suicide Prevention Day, and this is a day I hold with high regard. I've lost close friends to suicide and have come so close to letting go myself. I want you to know, whoever you are, that I am here for you. I am with you even if I may not know you, and I will always keep fighting for you.

This story of your life is still being written and it's going to be the story of a lifetime. Always keep fighting because your life is just beginning. When you can't get out of bed, when each breath feels like it could be your last, or when it seems that all this world is is darkness, I want you keep going. Don't let this drag you down. If you need help, get it. Don't let this fester and overpower. There are angels out there that will help, love, and hold you. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are special. You are the only you this world has and I want it to get to know you.

To whomever may read this, keep that pretty head of yours up. The world is waiting for you so go out and meet it.}

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