Chapter 20

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The note
Once I got settled in my class I opened up this perfectly folded letter. Inside it contained graffiti writing that said you're beautiful. Under that was a middle size length letter. He started off by saying "I'm so interested in yu it's crazy cus I'm not that type of guy. Like I told yu I was in a relationship wit a crazy ass bitch. Once she did that fucked up shit to me, I stopped being mr. Gentleman. I started being tha asshole that everybody pictured me to be based off my looks. I haven't dated anyone since then nd I didn't plan on catchin any feelins for anybody. It was a simple smash nd dip. Don't think I had my dick n everybody cus I didn't. Basically all I'm sayin is the way you carry yourself is different from these hoes nd it's simple yu not a hoe so that makes everythin better. I also wanted to tell yu that I'm really sorry for yellin at yu yesterday. I'll talk to AX nd let him kno wasgud. That's my boy we trace back to 8th grade. I been rockin wit him for a minute. Anyways I'll see you in the morning gorgeous. Nite."

Once I read his letter I felt honored for somebody who use to be disrespectful, has so much respect for someone. Well he has no choice to because I am a queen. As I'm thinking I hear somebody outside of the classroom yelling "you stupid bitch fuck you" I also hear lockers getting banged on. I go outside to see what the hell is happening. I look down the hall to my right and I see my cousin swinging some girls head into the locker. I immediately run down the hallway screaming her name "tori tori! What the hell stop!" It's not like I've never seen a fight or been in one before but I believe aggressiveness runs in the family cause this bitch was getting bodied by my little cousin. She is still banging her head into the locker and she's crying asking her to stop. If my cousin was getting beat up, I'd have to fight the girl but she was handling her shit. I finally got her to step away from the girl. She then kicks her and walks away angry. "What the hell Victoria! What was all of that about?" As much as I wanted to commend her on a great ass whooping, I wanted to steer her in the right direction and to straighten up because grandmama did say she is always in drama. "Dat bitch she a nasty ass hoe!" "What did she do to you that caused you to fight her?" I look at my watch and see I only have 5 minutes before the bell rings. At this point I don't care about being late. "First she told me a lie. I hate being lied to, she not even my homegirl anymore. She went behind my back nd she got quans number. She kno I been rockin with him for a lil bit. She see us togetha everyday nd she kno what his car look like so she see me hop in nd out of it everyday" I instantly become mad because the fight is over a boy. "So you fought her because of him?" "No I don't fight over niggas dats dead, I beat her ass cus it's the concept that yu was supposed to be loyal to me as a friend but yu went behind my back to get quans number nd asked if he culd come over last nite" "well how did you find out?" "Quans told me this mornin on tha way to tha school. I told him I was gunna beat the shit outta her."

I understand where she's coming from, but I don't want her thinking that fighting is cute or she feels the need to respond with action. There are plenty of other ways. "I'll talk to you when I get home, go to class and pay attention". She starts to laugh and walks up the stairs "aight cuz, I'll see you later on". For her to just walk away from a fight she sure didn't seem like it. Literally no scratches or anything on her.

I get into the classroom to see the room filled with my classmates. Three people said "hey Michelle" and I awkwardly said hey back because only person I knew in that class was AX who wasn't there yet. 5 minutes into the class here comes AX eyes red as ever. He hands the teacher his tardy slip and comes to the back. I turn around and asked him did he smoke with Davon. He looks up slowly with a stuck face and shakes his head yea. I shake my head with disappointment in him because he looked too high to function "aye look imma talk to yhu wen we get outta here". I'm nervous because I don't want to be seen one on one talk in to AX but if he was with Von I'm sure he'll be fine with it. Then again I don't know because of how he snapped on me last night.

There's A New GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon