Chapter 21

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The talk
We were released from class and I waited for AX who was fumbling through his bag looking for something to drink to wash down his Doritos. The munchies really are getting to him. "C'mon lets talk over in the mini theater". I follow him but not too close up on him I don't want everybody thinkin me and him are talking. He has his similarities to Davon. Just his style and his popularity level. He definitely has said hey to more dudes then girls. I wish that was Davon.

We reach the mini theater and he sits down but I'm still standing up. "So what's up, what do we have to talk about?" He looks at me confused "why yhu still standin up Obama?" "Because I don't believe this talk is going to last long". He turns his head to the side and slaps his thighs "welp okay long story short. I just apologize for trynna go smack at yhu I didn't realize yhu n my manz was talkin already but that doesn't give me a reason to not think tht your still not beautiful, yur stunnin. But yea that's long story short" I look at him "did Davon tell you to say this?" He quickly backed his head up "no we were talkin bout yhu n I noticed he's really feelin yhu n thts my bro we go all tha way back to middle skool. All his problems are mine n vice versa." "Well that was nice of you to apologize. Since y'all are like brothers, I kno I'll be seeing more of you." He smiles "yea ofcourse, but imma let yhu go to yur next class.

End of the day
Dada 🙈😍💙: yu wanna get ice cream after school?
---- Yea ofcourse 🍦😋
Dada 🙈😍💙: 😁 cool can yu meet me by coach office?
---- Omg! I totally forgot I have to go back to sign some papers 😱 so yes we can
Dada 🙈😍💙: that's what I'm here for 😏

Once we are released from class I rush to coach office to see if I can catch her. I go in the locker room to find out that her office is locked and the lights are out. I stare at the door for a minute "damn!" I start to walk back when I hear keys rattling down the opposite side. I stop and walk towards the office again. Come to find out it was just the janitor "excuse me do you know where the coach is?" The janitor smiled and shook her head no. I walked out to the other side where Davon would be. I hear him laughing and talking and I start to smile. I come out of the doors to find the coach talking to him. "Michelle how's it going there young lady?" "I'm doing fine how about yourself?" "I'm all pumped up and ready to go! You're coming out of the locker room were you looking for me?" "Yes ma'am I have to fill out some information for recruitment and we have to call my coach back in North Carolina." "You know you are correct, follow me, it'll only take about a second or two". Davon is behind coach being goofy doing stuff like blowing me kisses, lifting his shirt up, dancing. She turns around slowly and Davon acts like he was just on his phone "Stewart are you coming in the back too?" "Yea sure I got nothin else to do. We head back there and she goes in her file cabinet to pull out some files. "I need you to fill these out for me." I look at the papers and she was right, it was only going to take a second or two. Most of the papers just required signatures and my name. She reviews the papers and ask me for my number so she can text me about practices and everything of that nature. We all walk out happy and satisfied "Michelle I will contact you as soon as I hear from your old coach" "not a problem thank you so much." "You'll behave and take care."

We walked out and Davon slipped my book bag off of my shoulder. I looked at him and smiled "you're really sweet" he replied "this is nothin trust me." We got in his car and he does daily routine where he puts our bags in the back. He gets in and he's on the phone "witchu need? I'm not comin there just for that I needa give yu some weight or somethin yung... Aight imma come serve yu where yu at? Aight moe imma hit ya phone when I'm at the park."
He gives me a kiss on the cheek "I missed yu all day." "So you're a drug dealer still?" He puts his head down "is that unacceptable?" "No it's not bad and it's not good. I understand you have shit to pay for cause you are living on your own but I just don't accept considering the fact my cousin in North Carolina got killed from being on the streets and my mom is a functional crack head and my dad was a dealer and a pimp so I just seen the good and bad sides of dealing." "I feel yu a hunnit my sister wants me to stop so bad cus she's afraid she's gonna loose me to either death or the handcuffs." "Is it just you and your sister?" "From my moms side it's 4 of us. I'm the oldest and on my pops side there's 6 of us I'm the 4th born but if you ask me I have 2 brothers and 1 sister cus that's who I grew up wit." "Wow I didn't know that, that's crazy. So can we talk about you growing up?" "Yea over some ice cream but I really needa make this serve." I roll my eyes at him "okay whatever." "Trust me nobody will kno yur in tha car. I wuldnt put yu at risk for my mess." "Yea cause if you did my 12 siblings and grandmama would personally murder you." He starts laughing "okay I'm scared now I don't want nobody beatin my ass"

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