Chapter 8

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The Ride

For a couple mintues we were quiet until he made this turn I was so scared of "WHAT THE HELL" "I'm sorry boo" "can you not". I was still mad cause if we got hit, it was on my side. I didn't mean to yell at him but I knew I made him nervous. We both were trying to start up a conversation at the same time we both said "sooo" I looked at him and laughed "go head say what you were trying to say" "naw ladies first" "I was just going to say so where are we going" he looked at me with one eyebrow raised "its a surprise". I was kind of nervous because last time I got in the car and didnt know where I was going I was taking to this drug house and the men there were trying to make me into a street ornament if you know what I mean, so since that day I've been very scared of who I get in a car with and where we are going. What sucked about this situation is that I didnt know the area to well. We finally broke the silence and start a conversation and non stop laughing came. I laughed and smiled so much, I was crying. Davon is so funny and open. about 10 minutes later we pull up to this plaza where its a strip filled with upper-scaled restaurants and stores. We get out and just walk and talk I dont know what this boy is trying to do be sneaky or what. He opened up the door to this dimmed restaurant called "Pistema" I was so hungry we got a table as soon as we walked in. As I looked around, we were under dressed and under aged, these people had on business attire and around 40 the oldest 99 but I didnt care I was starving ! When I looked at the menu I saw meals starting at $15.95 and a side of salad was $10.85. This place was expensive "hey Von are you hungry ?" "hell yea ! are yu ?" "no im just really thirsty" "oh okay why yu lyin we ate lunch at 11:25" I put my head down and start laughing "girl get witchu wont I got yu" "No, I cant" "this is the finest Italian restaurant around here yur gonna get somethin to eat I dont care if yu aint got the money" "Well" " I brought yu here onna date". My eyes got so big "wait, what did you just say !?" he chuckled "what yu think ? we just friends ? I like yu even tho I dont know yu like that, I like yu" I just put my head in my lap and started laughing. I couldnt believe he had just told me that. "Chelle ! Hello girl what yu want" I snapped out my daydream and started laughing "what do you normally get" "I try somethin new everytime I come here but I kno tha pasta crack"

Davon Eyes: When I was driving she got so scared nd yelled at me, she tha feisty type I can already see never endin arguments. I was thinking of places to take her to eat since she isnt a type you take to Mcdonald's and order off tha dolla menu she tha type yu take out nd enjoy tha laughs wit. Onna romantic type of level. As we was talkin nd ridin I just wanted to tell her I like her, I hadda do it today or somethin, I gotta go in for tha kill before some other man do. I finally pull up after makin a huge circle to tha place were Im takin her to eat at. She looks up at tha sign like she was in amazement. I open tha door for her, I kno im really feelin her cus my mama or granny barely get tha door openin treatment when I see em. I got tha connects in this spot so we can order up tha whole menu nd not pay a penny unless they wanna be outta business. As we walk to our table she looks around everywhere. One thing bout her is I noticed shes very observant everywhere she is. We get tha menus nd I see her head lean back nd her eyes got big she tries to get out of it "hey Von are you hungry ?" "hell yea ! are yu ?" "no im just really thirsty" "oh okay why yu lyin we ate lunch at 11:25", she said she only wanted somethin to drink when she knew she told me earlier she was hungry. As she puts her head down for some reason I find this a perfect time to tell her I like her, maybe cus its offguard

Our waiter comes over by us Davon gets up and hugs and kisses her, I'm not going to lie, I got so mad but we don't date so oh well. He's a cutie, who wouldn't want to hug him ? She has a huge smile from ear to ear on her face "Hi ! Can I start you off with some drinks" Davon looked at me and nodded for me to go first "I'll have A rocky red" the both looked at me confused "I'm sorry ma'am , but we don't serve those" I'm so embarrassed "ok I'll just get a sprite" you can't go wrong with a sprite even though fresca is better. Von looked up and started laughing he ordered and stared at me "I want a water nd strawberry lemonade". I rolled my eyes and smiled cause he licked his lips like he was undressing me with his eyes. "What boy !?" he moved his head back "yur jus so beautiful" I try not to show that it meant a lot to me because that was the sweetest thing any guy my aged has said because all boys want to do is have sex cause my ass is huge. I'm not gonna fall for it, maybe its a setup. "awe thank you von ! your handsome" "look ma jus take tha compliment, don't complement me back" I just move my hair behind my ear and say thank you. I move my glasses on my face and smile "so who was..." I can't ask him who the waitress is to him, again we don't date "that guy that you dapped up this morning" "were at ?" "in the cafeteria" "oh tha nigga in tha white hat ?" I was just making stuff up "he had checkered boxers nd a free boosie shirt on ?" "yea ! him" "YU LYIN cus I'd be dammed to be fuckin wit a nigga wearin that" I just laugh so hard and once again the girl is all cheesy everytime she comes around Davon.


After we finished eating we learned so much about each other. I found out he lives on his own, everything he owns he buys, all he has is himself nobody helps him not even his own mother. I felt bad for him listening to his story and struggle

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