Chapter 9

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Ride Back Home

When we left the restaurant it felt like we knew each other for years. We left around 5ish and I knew the hoe crew was still at home. I still didn't tell him who my cousin was. "so yu want me drop yu back off home now or what yu trynna do" "No I like being home when my grandmama is home so around 630ish I would like to go home" "well wanna go to A park or sumthin ?" "yea sure that be nice". He looks like stuff is on his mind and I just want to know what it is.

Davon Eyes: I got to scared to tell her in tha restaurant cus we were gettin to kno each other nd once we left, I felt like I've known her for A lifetime even tho there is still pieces to A puzzle Imma figure it out day by day. I found out that she has 12 brothers nd sisters her mom is livin a bad life as in doin drugs nd shit nd her pops was abusive towards her ma nd shit. So we share somethin in common, all we got is ourselves. but I respect her, she stay in tha church last time I went to church I was like 11 nd my granny took me for Easter. On tha drive back home I ain't wanna drop her off gud thing she said she ain't wanna go home yet cus imma miss her as soon as she get out my car. I figure a walk in tha park wuld be a nice way to tell her I like her

"Hey Da are you okay ?" he smiles and looks at me "yea why wuldnt I be ?" I laugh "I don't know you seem concentrated on something" "yu that's bout it" and he bites his lip. He is such a flirt. "But naw I'm gud boo so we both thugs huh ?" "I don't live a thug life" "I mean yu raised yurself basically rite ?" "yea, but that doesn't make me a thug. Do you want a thug ?" "naw I don't want no debo girlfrien fuckin me up got me scared to come home naw ill pass on tha yungin" all we do is laugh in the car. I love being around him. We finally get out the car and I see this park. When you first pull up to the parking lot there is a basketball court then next to it is a volleyball net with the sand in the little square. There's also a tennis court, I can tell we in the white area. "so you plan on playing me in ball or something" "no we gonna walk". When we got out the car and walked past all the courts and through a football field, it was a trail. On the trail there was a view of the ocean, and a bike path. There was so many couples and bikers riding. "This is nice" "yu think ? I come out here spark one nd think when I got alotta shit on my mind". We walked to this spot that had a bench. It was looking into the water, with trees behind us and the bikers, runners, walkers going past. I never been to anything like this. before so I was amazed at everything. "why yu cheesin extra hard ?" "because I never been to anything like this before, the nicest park we have is something like the basketball court, two swings, and a picnic area thats it so I never seen anything like this before" "wow that's crazy so I'm that guy that showin yu new things nd shit that's wassup" I laugh at him "so you give yourself names I see ?" he smirks and fans his leg around "naw I was jus sayin yu new nd I'm showin yu around that's all". We continue to talk and get deep into conversation "Michelle I gotta tell yu somethin" everytime somebody tells me that line, I get nervous "go ahead tell me what's going on" "I kno yu different from other girls cus tha way I feel for yu by me sayin this is I kno its weird but I like yu a lot" I didn't know what to say because he is the one I was thinking just wanted to hang out. But I'm glad he feels the same way "Im glad you feel that way because I like You too, let's just not rush into something because you can't rush perfection" he smiles and kisses me on the cheek "was that too fast ?" no, it was good. We walked back to his car and he drove me back home just in time. He got out the car and hugged me "I had a wonderful day wit you" I squeezed him tighter "thank you for showing me around" "can I call yu tonite ?" "yes let me know when you get in please" he kissed my forehead "I will". I went in the house with a huge smile on my face.

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