Chapter 3

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That Night 

I walked in at around 5:30. My grandmama was still at work when I walked in all I heard was loud music playing. I take off my shoes and went upstairs. I unpacked and got things ready for a new school, and senior year. My cousin just opens my door "TORI KNOCK FIRST DAMN !" She put a little stank face on. I swear she would be so pretty if she just respected herself more but shes "grown" "SORRY cuzzo ! I just wanted you to meet some people from HP". I rolled my eyes because not only did I look a mess I really didn't want to know anybody or anybody really all in my business. A good 12 people walked in my room. "Victoria, Do Grandmama Know All These People Here !?" She tried to act cute in front of her friends smacking on some gum "No the fuck she don't get home until 7 and EVERYBODY know the rule". I looked at her in disgust. I wanted to smack the gum out her mouth so bad. "Oh okay well its nice meeting all you guys". She told everybody to get out and they all left and laugh except for this one kid. He looked so out of place to be hanging with tori and them. Confused on why he didn't get the message and leave to I gave him a fake smile and continued to get my clothes situated. He looked like a cleaner cut of Steve Urkel. The Older Steve. Somebody that wouldn't hang out with my fast ass cousin. He finally got up "Oh shit I was so outta space my fault ma". He had the deepest voice it really didn't fit his face at all "My names Mike". Why is he introducing himself I can careless. He walked over to the door and closed it. Now what the hell this nigga trying to do. "Uumm why did you shut my door". He looked high "Cus it loud I'm jus trynna get to kno yu love". "Hey Mike uumm I'm not in the mood to ---- Right There he laid me on the ground kissing on my neck "MIKE GET OFF ! I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU" He tries to go lower and lower I push him off "Damn yu nuffn like PINK" "Who is pink !?" "Yo hoein ass fam" I was so fed up already day 3 in the house. Lord help me please "Just get out" "Ite respect jus kno if yu need a nigga to put it down call mike" I was actually kind of scared. What if he would of took my virginity ? I didnt even know him. I have to put a stop to Victoria and her disrespecting friends.

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