Chapter 10

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Crushing Hard

When I went inside I went upstairs because my phone was dead and I had to make sure I didn't miss von text at all. I would tell Victoria but I'm not close enough to her where I could openly talk with her. Speaking of the devil here she come in my room "were was you at bae ?" I laugh at her Virginian slang "I was just discovering and exploring what's around me" "gurl yu expect me to believe that !? were was yu ? I saw yu get out a car" I laugh at her "you questioning me like you grandmama" she has a little attitude "look I'm jus lookin out for yu on some of these niggas at tha school" finally she leaves because her phone was ringing and it was that boy that gave us a ride. I turn on my tv and watch some the LA sparks and Minnesota Lynx game.

Davon Eyes: after I left her I knew I was gonna miss her. Tha whole ride back I jus smiled nd laugh. I was really feelin her I basically rushed home. Today was jus tha begin. When I got home I hadda feed my dog nd take him on a walk. It was jus us, he tha only one I kno who won't leave me, sounds like imma white dog lover but me nd Rico been through everythin he even got my back. On tha walk I continue to fantasize bout her as my own when I got a text I thought was Chelle "yo bro yu gud nigga ? I need a oz asap" "gimme 15" I cut through a short cut to head home. Rico my guard dog so I let him roam freely through tha house. I get his bag ready nd he comes by within 2 mins. First thing I do is let him in nd search his pockets, I refuse to get robbed or some bullshit. I give him his bag nd put my strap on my lap. I count tha money as Rico starin at him waitin for a command or any sudden movement. Jus made a easy 135 "be gone hit me wen yu low" he nodded his head nd left as Rico followed him to the door. I've been trapping nd been on my own since I was 13 imma pro at this shit now.

Everytime my phone goes off I rush to get it because I think its von. Finally, after what seems an lifetime I get my text "aye beautiful jus lettin yu kno I'm home" he's soo sweet. I smile and respond back "yaayy ! You remembered lol." he didn't waste no time to call me. I let it ring for a little "hello" "yes Uumm I'm lookin for a Ms. Michelle is she available ?" I smile cus he tries to make it seem like he's some business man "yes who is this" he starts laughing then just talks my ear off. "hey chelle can I give yu a ride tomorrow mornin ?" "yes you may" we continue to talk until my grandmama gets off "hey von I'm going to text you, and thank you again I had so much fun" "I promise yu its only tha beginin"

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