The Sleepover P.2

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Aphmau's POV

After playing all those video games, I got a bit tired, so did everyone else. We decided to watch a movie to relax, and, just eat popcorn. "What movie do you guys want to watch?" I asked. "Eh, anything is fine, really." Logan said. "Kawaii~Chan suggests this kawaii movie with kawaii creatures!" Kawaii~Chan suggested, "Maybe a good ol' rom-com?" Donna asked. "Oh! I know, let's watch Roommates! It's an awesome movie, I can tell from the trailer!" Nicole exclaimed. We all settled on Roommates, and I got the popcorn ready for 8 people. When I finished making the popcorn, the intro had already passed. We put the popcorn bowl on the coffee table so everyone could reach it. After the movie, we all talked how it was. "Kawaii~Chan liked the goat!" Kawaii~Chan said. "Me too, the goat was hilarious!" I exclaimed. "That Sky kid was quite interesting, if I do say so myself." Dante said. "I liked all the characters, they were all cool." Garroth said. "The movie itself was really cool!" Brendan said. "I hope no one thought it was boring!" Nicole hoped. "Eh, it was nice." Logan said. "The roommates defiantly changed during the entire movie." Donna said. Since it was already 9:00, we decided to start having some quick snacks and then get ready for bed. "There are 4 bathrooms, 2 downstairs, and 2 upstairs. We should split them in half, so Dante, Nicole, Garroth, and I, get the upstairs bathrooms, and the rest of you, you get the downstairs bathrooms. "Ok, that sounds great!" Donna said. We had some milk and crackers, talking about some random stuff, then said good night to each other as we went upstairs. Garroth let me go brush my teeth first, since he still had to do some unpacking some of his stuff. Same with Nicole, and we were talking with toothpaste in out mouth. "Ahem, -muffled talking- so, how's it going with Dante?" I asked. "-muffled talking- it's going great, what about you and Garroth?" She replied, also asking about Garroth and I. I spat out the toothpaste and started washing my toothbrush. "Oh, you know, just AMAZING!!" I said, grinning. I started to gurgle water in my mouth, as Nicole told me about her amazing time with Dante. She said goodnight as she finished gurgling her water and she gave me a hug. "Best sister ever. You need a hug. Good night Aph." She kissed me on the cheek. "Heh, good night!" I kissed her on her cheek as well. I saw that Garroth had finished unpacking his stuff, and was lying on the mattress I put down for him. "Garroth, I'm done. You can brush your teeth now." I said. "Ok, I was just checking my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. I was also watching these videos on YouTube called Minecraft Diaries. I think someone copied us!" Garroth exclaimed. I giggled, the fact that he didn't know that it was I who made the series. "Is their name Challenge Accepted?" I asked, smirking. "Yeah... How did you know?" Garroth asked. "Oh, just a lucky guess, I guess." I replied. "The voice sounds a lot like you, don't you think?" He played a video for me. "Hmm, it does, doesn't it?" I turned away, smiling. "Eh, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that we take a selfie together, before bed! Come here, sit beside me!" He said. I hop onto the inflatable mattress, and sit beside him. "3, 2, 1, cheese!" We said. "Ok, now go brush your teeth! It's getting late!" I glanced at my clock. (OMG I SPELT C... O... C...K BY ACCIDENT OMG!) Its 10:55. "Ok, your goal is to finish everything by 11:15 mister!" I said. "Ok, ok, geez babe, no need to be... Nevermind." Garroth said. I kissed him and then he left to brush his teeth.

Garroth's POV

I went to brush my teeth as Captain Aphmau demanded. I left, laughing as Aphmau kissed the tip of my nose. I started brushing my teeth and decided to go downstairs to see what the others were doing as I brush my teeth. I headed down the stairs, and saw a shocking sight...

Author's Note
MUUHAHAHAHAHA!! I'm so evil! I left you guys on a cliffhanger for no reason. XD. Ok, if you didn't read my update chapter, I'm really busy right now, and there is a wind storm right now, so there's no wifi, and I can't publish this chapter until I have wifi. By the time there's wifi, this chapter will be published, and the wind storm has either left or calmed down, like way down. It's scaring me because I was at the swimming pool and then all of a sudden the lights went out when I was doing my laps. I literally was AHHHHH ER MER GERSHHH IM GUNNA DROWNN!!! And then I swam like a beast to the end and climbed out the water. Ok I think that's enough for story time with Tiger xD ok bye!

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