The Question P.2

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Zoey's POV

I was making tea for Garroth and Aphmau, for when she wakes up, and then, I heard Garroth ask me a question.

"Weren't you in the other world?"

I got surprised, and I dropped my tea on the floor. I gasped, and tried to get some towels to clean it up.
"Well, you see Garroth, I have been sent to the portal with you guys, so I was principal of the school you are currently in right now, am I correct?" I asked Garroth, who had gotten some old rags and helped me wipe the floor.
"Yes." He said back to me.
"So I had gotten off work, when I just got.... Attracted to something. I just walked mindlessly with no control over myself. I walked into a house that was oddly glowing a bright, lilac light. I entered, and just.... Was surprised! I saw a portal, looking familiar to the portal that we were thrown into, and I finally had control over my body. I knew I had a choice, to either go in, or stay at that other world. I of course decided to go in, that was were my home was! I didn't look back, and I found myself in Phoenix Drop, and I was amazed. I was back! Now you are too, I'm so glad you have come back!" I explained, finishing up the few puddles of tea.
"Hmm.... I see...." Garroth looked disturbed, for some reason.
He's actually quite cute when he looks serious~
No Zoey, stop! You know he belongs with Aphmau!
"Garroth? Is.... Something on your mind?" I asked, whilst I was washing the now completely soaked rags and towels.
"Yes... Have you seen.... Nicole or Brendan or Dante by any chance?"
"Hmm, now that I think of it, yes! They were wearing something that you would sleep in. I also saw a guy, head covered with a deep red helm, and dark red armour pieces covering his body." I gasped, suddenly realizing, I had witnessed a Shadow Knight!
"Oh no.... Sasha and Gene probably...."
I heard footsteps come down from the stairs, and turned around to see a slightly rested Aphmau, with eyes glowing bright as gold.
"Urgh.... Zoey? Garroth? I thought... Nevermind. Say... Are you making tea?" Aphmau asked, her glowing eyes faded.
"Yes, I am! This is a certain kind of tea, it's supposed to help beginners at magicks." I looked at the tea, which was still being made, since I dropped the first few cups.
"Oh! That sounds wonderful!" Aphmau exclaimed, than remembered Garroth was in the room watching them.
Her eyes were glowing again, when she looked at Garroth.
"Oh! Garroth! I'm so delighted you're here, I almost forgot you were in the room!" Aphmau giggled.
"Oh, and I tried to sorta see what kind of magicks I had, so I tried to conjure something up and I did! Oh, let me show you!" Aphmau ran up the stairs to her room, and came back down holding something behind her back.
"Here it is!" She said proudly, and showed us a small wood carving, with everyone in it.
"Wow... That's beautiful..." Garroth said softly.
"I'm glad you like it!" Her eyes were glowing more and more, maybe when she gets excited or gets complimented, or sees something she likes. Wait... So when her eyes glowed when she saw Garroth, does that mean...?
"Not to be offensive, but have you noticed your eyes glow when you get excited, complimented, and see something you like?" I asked her. Her eyes glowed a bit less.
"No?" She said, and raised an eyebrow.
"Garroth, are her eyes glowing?" I asked Garroth. When he looked at her, staring into her eyes, she blushed immediately, and her eyes were glowing so bright, I almost couldn't see her pupils.
"Yes they are m'lady." Garroth nodded.
"Huh, funny enough, I can't see too properly, now that I think of it." Aphmau said. She looked down and sad, and her glowing eyes disappeared.
"I can see properly now!" She exclaimed, and jumped for joy. I saw her eyes start glowing again, and she noticed immediately.
"Maybe try to get me really excited? Maybe something will happen!" She said.
"I'm not sure if that's a goo-" I got cut off by Garroth, who kissed Aphmau suddenly. Her eyes shone brighter and brighter each second, and finally, when I thought it couldn't get anymore bright...

It got brighter.
After one or two more seconds, I felt a great presence in the air.
"Lady Ire-" I got cut off again, by Irene herself.
"Hush child, we have only a minute to spare. You do not belong in this world anymore, you belong where you were previously. In there." Lady Irene said, and showed a picture of the town we lived in before we came back to Minecraftia.
"I must teleport everyone to the portal, which needs lots of concentration, so please hush, and do not disturb my concentration." Lady Irene started levitating, and a great ball of light surrounded her. I looked at Garroth and Aphmau, and they were greatly surprised. I heard Irene mumble some words, and then, we were back, at the choice, if we wanted to go back to that world, or stay here. I'd say I saw everyone of Minecraftia here, and as the people saw their Lord make their choice, they went with their Lord's choice too. All the Lords went in, and everyone else went in also.

3rd Person POV

Zoey watched everyone go in, and after a few seconds, she was one of the last people to go in.
"Now, my child, make the decision. All your friends and family have gone in, and I know you will live better in that world than this world. Now go, I cannot hold this portal for any longer." Lady Irene said, squinting her eyes as she strained to keep the portal open. Zoey knew she was meant to be in that other world, and she quickly went in, before the portal disappeared.
She closed her eyes, and heard calming music, as if someone was playing the harp for her. After the music stopped, Zoey opened her eyes. She was inside her house, and was wearing her principle outfit of the day. (Yes, that is a thing.) Zoey went to change her clothes to casual wear, and ran off to find some students.

Author's Note
Hai! I was thinking this was a high school book, so I really really had to find a way to bring them back to our world. Hehe, chapters are slow, but coming in! Also, my rant book is whenever I feel like fangirling or screaming at MCD/Aphmau/the world (get it? Cuz Aphmau and MCD is my world? No?.... Ok then...) hue hue hue, off to think of more storyline!

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