The Mystery Man Revealed

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Chapter 20

???? POV

???: she doesn't know.
Man: good. Hopefully she comes unarmed.
???: I will make sure of that.

Aphmau's POV

I walked in the living room as I heard guests arrive, and smiled. They were all here for me. I know I'm dating Garroth and all, but it's so sweet knowing there are guys caring for you.

"Hey, * hic *Aph. What? Surprised to *hic* see, me? *hic*" A voice behind me said.
"AH!! DALE!!! Irene, don't get too drunk, your parents won't be too happy about this." I scolded Dale, who apparently drank too much root beer AGAIN.
"*hic* my parents won't *hic* hi I'm bob what is *hic* ur poo HAH *hic* GET REKT ocjdjskw *passes out*" Dale says, making me start getting uncomfortable. He passed out pretty quickly, and when he fell, his root beer spilled on the floor, and he was in a *still drinking this root beer* position.
"Um... " I nervously backed away, running into Kawaii~Chan who was holding the pizza.
"*hiss*" Kawaii~Chan hissed at me, and I scrambled back to be my feet, yelping.
"Huh? Oh! Aphmau~Senpai! Kawaii~Chan is so sorry! She thought it was those horrible, messy boys! Hmph! Leaving Kawaii~Chan all the work to do!" Kawaii~Chan glared at all the guys talking on the couch.
"Oh, if you don't want to help, I'm sure we can clean it ourselves! You've been working so hard lately Kawaii~Chan, you need a break!" I said.
"R-really? Aphmau~Senpai would do that for Kawaii~Chan?! Oh, Kawaii~Chan is so happy, she could kiss you!" Kawaii~Chan jumped up and down, making my eyes go HUGE when she said the word "kiss".
"Uh, ahaha, well, you could just bake me some of those delicious cookies you make, and that would be fine!" I suggested.
"Oh! Kawaii~Chan will hop right to it! Hehe, after this party, of course." Kawaii~Chan said, grinning from ear to ear.


Who's that? I better check the door.
"*opens door*"
" Aphmau! I haven't seen you in a while!" A familiar voice says.
"N-K-K-N NICOLE AND KATELYN???!" I screamed.
"Shh, don't wake up the neighbors! Heh..." Katelyn said, popping up from behind Nicole.
"Oh, I'm so happy to see you two!" I exclaim, hugging them both.
"I told you sis! No yelling!! And I'll explain later, I'm getting cold out here for a Summer night..." Nicole came in, and hung her jacket up.
"Ugh, fine! But promise you'll explain everything tomorrow?" I asked Nicole.
"And you, Katelyn? I haven't seen you around much anymore. What happened?" I asked Katelyn, who slowly came in from outside.
"... I went to O'Khasis High..." Katelyn said, hesitating a bit.
"Oh, well, that's fine. As long as we keep in touch, kay?" I got my phone ready to type in her number.
"Okay." Katelyn took out her phone as well, and we dialed our number to each other's phone.


Again?! More people?? How many guys and girls did Garroth invite?! Geez...
"Oh, excuse me, I need to get the door." I told Katelyn, and rushed through the door.

It was a note, in beautiful printing, which said,

You must come unarmed, with no weapons, food, water, and friends. See you there.

I read it, and ran over to the guys, who were playing card games now.

"Garroth! Read this note, I- uh, found it... By the doorstep..." I said, and handed him the note.

He took the note and read it to himself.

"... What... Aph, look. I don't want you to get hurt, but I don't want any of us to get hurt as well. I'll come with you, but I'll stay a bit back, and I'll be looking at shops. If you need me, scream." Garroth said.
"... Fine... Ask Katelyn to come with you." I said to Garroth, looking at him, straight in the eye.
"Yes ma'am!" Garroth saluted, and marched to Katelyn.

I giggled, and checked the time. It's 6:45! Oh no, I'm going to be late! I'm going to drag Garroth and Katelyn here, and tell them to get their shoes on.

~Time Travel to Behind School~

Well, guess Garroth and Katelyn are gone. I... Don't see anyone... Wait, who's that?

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. It's Jessica! Hue, and I thought she would be MUCH more pretty after these years. Muhuahuahua..." The voice said.

It sounded quite familiar, and frankly, I slightly remember that voice. I thought hard in my brain, and finally said a name I thought I wouldn't hear for ages.


"Yes, it's ME. Sasha, the Sasha you once knew, and loved. Cared for deeply, but, hated, at the end. You don't understand how I felt. Oh, I felt something alright. Something evil. A deep, dark, evil presence down inside me, torturing me every. Single. Second. It finally got me too overwhelmed, and made me turn into this Sasha. This Sasha that you see before your eyes. This Sasha that you never knew of. This Sasha that you now hate." Sasha said, her voice becoming more menacing and vicious every word she spoke.

3rd Person POV

Sasha's physical form took action, and transformed her into a huge, raging she-demon. Her pale, white skin turned darker, her eyes took form of a dark, black sphere. She grew wings from her back, and her hair turned from white to dark grey. Her nails became sharp claws, and she became angry at the world, destroying trees and plants around her.

"... Sasha. Stop. You know I still care for you. I care for you less though, after what happened." Aphmau gulped at the horrible memories coming back to her brain.

"... Aphmau, I'm sor-NOT sorry! I don't know what I was thinking, I cannot let my human-self take over. I must think dark thoughts, shadow knight thoughts." Sasha said.
"... Really? Still worshipping the Shadow Lord even after being sent to this world? Really?" Aphmau said, unhappy at that thought.
"Yes, we must have the Shadow Lord take over, even if we are sent to a different realm. Aphmau, I'm so sor- I CANNOT LET MY HUMAN SELF TAKE OVER ME. NO, I SHALL NOT LISTEN TO HER, SHE'S GONE, FOREVER. (Hopefully) AND I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD WITH GENE!! Oh and of course Vincent." Sasha added.
"Hm... (I know just the thing...)" Aphmau mumbled to herself.
"What was that?" Sasha asked.
"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking when I can go home." Aphmau said.
"I'll meet you again some other day, I just had this meeting with you to see how you were. Bye!" Sasha's she-demon form disappeared and turned back into a pale woman, walking away.
"Wow. I should get Garroth now... That was weird though..." Aphmau said to herself, and started walking to the shop.

Aphmau's POV

That was weird. Did Sasha really just want to talk to me? Hm... Eh, whatever. I'll think about it some other time.

"Hey Aph! Back already? Who was the man who asked you to come?" Garroth greeted me as I walked in the door. Katelyn was wearing her black purse and texting on her phone, her hair falling over her face as her head was tilted down.
"1. Yes, I'm back. 2. It wasn't a man. 3. It was Sasha." I said to Garroth.
"Sasha? You mean, that shadow knight Sasha?" Garroth asked.
"Yes, that Sasha. And apparently they still worship the Shadow Lord here. Huh, funny though. Wouldn't Zane be evil and everything?"
"Wait... I haven't seen Zane and Zenix for ages! Oh crap..."

I looked over at Katelyn, who threw her scarf behind her shoulder, and kept texting on her phone.
"We should get Katelyn and head home now, it's 7:30 already." I said. I grabbed Garroth and Katelyn, and headed out the door.

Author's Note

Hai! Been busy with some stuff, but luckily I don't have much homework today, and have free time! So I decided to spend it on Wattpad writing stories, so off to my other books! Bai!

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