The Use of Magicks

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Garroth's POV

I can't believe this. We're back in Minecraftia... I hate Zane, even though in the real world he is an awesome brother. He just likes to be evil every now and then. I know that he's kind on the inside, he just doesn't want to show it. I went to the inside of the village walls, and looked around. It's been so long. Ever since Zane brought us to the real world, everything has been better. I'm trying to remember where the portal was where Zane threw us in... Ugh, my brain is KILLING me, the portal gives me headaches, that's the side effect of going through it. "Garroth! Earth to Garroth?!" I heard a voice. I snapped back to life, and I saw Aphmau waving a hand in front of my face, looking worried. "Garroth... Ever since we went through the portal, you've been zoning off a lot lately. What's been happening in that mind of yours?" Aphmau points to my head. "It's nothing, m'lady, I-I mean Aph. I'm just so suprised we're home." I said to Lor-... Aph. "Oh, ok, if you need anything, I'll be in my house, looking for Zoey, Levin, and... Wait, Zoey is in the other world... Zane also pushed her in the portal with us... Wait! Oh my gosh, where Levin and Malachi??!! Who's been taking care of them?!" Aph screamed and ran to the house. I ran after her, getting my sword ready if I had to fight an enemy, or something. Aphmau had started to run up the stairs to head to Levin and Malachi's room. "LEVIN!! MALACHI!! ARE YOU HERE?!!" Aph yelled, and she looked around the room. "Hi mama, where you go?" I heard a voice. Aphmau immediately rushed to her room, to see Levin and Malachi on her bed, with their stuffy on the bed with them."Hi mom, where have you been?" Malachi asked. "I have been cooking for Levin, and myself of course, so we could eat, without starving." Malachi said proudly. Aph ran up to them and hugged them so tight, even I would be afraid to breathe. "Mama homeeeee!!!!! Yayyy, play, play, play!" Levin exclaimed. "Hehe, yes, let's play Levin! Malachi, care to be a big brother and get Levin's toys?" Aphmau asked Malachi. "Sure!" Malachi ran into the house and up the stairs. "Mama, where Zoey?" Levin asked Aphmau.

Aphmau's POV

"Mama, where Zoey?" Levin asked me. I clinched my teeth, and thought of a way to reply to Levin. I looked at Garroth, and he gave me the *I'll explain instead* face. "Now, Levin, see, Zoey went back to her home with ALL those nice elves!" Garroth smiled and I grinned as Levin was understanding. "So Zoey went see family?" Levin looked up at Garroth. "Yup!" "Ok daddy!" My heart melted when I heard that. They looked up to Garroth as a father. Garroth looked at me and smiled. "Well, Garroth and I aren't married yet, so call him... Gar for now!" I smirked and made a face that would say *just propose already! I know you have feelings! And Levin and Malachi look up to you as a dad! Might as well get married now!* I laughed, and Garroth got tackled by Malachi, and both of the kids were jumping on Garroth. "Aph! Help meeeeee!" Garroth laughed. "Nope! Not helping you this time! Your enemy of the day is...... 2 STAMPEDING KIDS!!! DUN DUN DUNNN!!!" I exclaimed, laughing as I saw Garroth trying to get up. "Aph... I'm... Gunna... Get you... When I get... Up!" Garroth tried to shake the kids off. "Hehe, you won't catch me by then!" I giggled.

3rd Person POV

Aphmau and Garroth were there for almost 10 more minutes, not knowing that someone was watching them..."UGGHH!" Garroth used all his strength to get up, and finally managed to get off the ground, and the kids ran back inside the house. "Hehe, I'm gunna get you now Aph!" Garroth laughed, quickly got up to his feet, almost grabbed Aphmau, but she managed to escape before Garroth started tickling her or stuff like that. "You can't run forever Garroth!" Aphmau yelled behind her. "Neither can you!" Garroth replied.

???? POV

I saw Aphmau and Garroth, running together. They seemed so happy, while... I was lonely and afraid... Of what was going to happen to me.... Stop thinking about this ----- , if you want to become a Shadow Knight, I gotta be brave... brave enough to face HER. -sigh- hiding behind trees and bushes are now my thing. Just to become... -inhales- a Shadow Knight. -exhales- -sigh again- well, I guess I'll... Pull out my sword... And my bow... And kill her... -sigh- I'll miss you Lady Aphmau.

Aphmau's POV

SCREECH (of a shield)

I looked up, trembling with fear, whilst laying on the floor. I saw HIM. The traitor. The one... That's used to be...

Garroth's Apprentice.

Zenix. I saw Zenix. He came running, full speed towards me. I curled into a ball, crying, and praying to Lady Irene, that everything would be alright. I closed my eyes again, and when I opened them, I saw something. Something. That I would never forget. Garroth. He's


I quickly looked around, hoping Zenix wasn't there. I didn't see anyone, I closed my eyes, started to cry, and prayed more to Irene. She's my only hope right now, after THIS. "GARROTH, WAKE UP, PLEASE! PLEASE, please... please... Lady Irene... Help Garroth wake up, please..." I cried, but then... I felt a tingling sense in my veins. I stopped crying immediately, and I got up. I couldn't control my body, it was controlling itself. Then, I started levitating. All of a sudden, I felt magicks coming out of my soul, and into my real body. I slowly lowered down, and eventually, I got to the ground. "APHMAU! ARE YOU-.... Oh my Irene.... You... You look like..."

~Lady Irene~

I trembled, and I looked at myself. I... Look like Lady Irene... This is a miracle! I thought of something special of her, and then remembered she had magicks. I thought of how to use magicks, and looked at a shocked Zoey, her eyes wide opened. "Zoey?" I ask. "Y-yes, descendant of Lady Irene?" Zoey stuttered. "Zoey, please don't call me that. You know I go with Aphmau, right? You've been living with me for so long now, you should know!" I said. "Now, Zoey, can you tell me how you use magicks?" I asked Zoey. "Sure, I... I mean... You need to concentrate on your magicks, depending how many you have. I only have one kind of magicks, which is, you know, barrier magicks. You, however, are special. You have several inside you, and to use a certain one, you MUST concentrate on the magicks you want to use, then also concentrate hard on what or who you want to use the magicks on. Does that make sense?" Zoey explained. I nod, than I turn to see Garroth, laying there... His lifeless body... Ugh, Aphmau, come on, focus, focus, focus! I put my hands out, and I concentrate. Hard. I feel a tingling feeling in my fingertips, I slowly open one eye, and see pink, glowing streams of magicks coming out of my fingertips to Garroth heart. After a few more seconds, I fall to the ground, almost fainting. "Ugh, my head..." I groan. I start to close my eyes to fall asleep, but then, I saw a figure get up. That must be Garroth... I... Can't... Take it... I have... To sleep... ZzzzzZZZzzZZzzzz

Author's Note

Hai! Finally a new chapter! I know that Aphmau has magicks inside her, she just doesn't know it yet. So how did you like this? I planned to make this longer, but I'm feeling sick, I have a sore throat, and a stuffy nose :(  Also, I'm coughing a lot :( I think I got this from my friends at school 😓😒so yeah....mkay bai
~Choi! :3

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