The Sleepover P.4

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Garroth's POV

I wonder where Kawaii~Chan, Brendan, Logan, and Donna went. The glass is broken, there's a tiny bit of blood and... Wait... THERES BLOOD?!?!! Someone must have gotten hurt in the incident. We should call the police, this looks serious. "We should call the police, this is no incident we should go in, especially if it was a kidnapping." I said. "I... I disagree. If this includes our friends, we HAVE to look for them, but we should call the police as well, just to make the search party bigger." Aphmau said, with serious written all over her face. It hurt me that she didn't agree with me, but it's ok, her plan was better anyways. "KAWAII~CHAN NEEDS HELP!!" We heard a voice. I immediately ran over to the door, to see Kawaii~Chan. She had a bit of blood on her, it looks like she was cut, on the arm. Maybe that's who's blood is on the window. "KAWAII~CHAN!!! OH MY GOSH HERE, LET ME HELP YOU!!!" Aphmau screamed. I flinched, seeing Kawaii~Chan with blood on her is NOT kawaii at all. "Let me get the bandaids, and I'll get a wet cloth as well." I immediately said, running up the stairs. I looked in the washroom. Bandaids, bandaids, ah! Bandaids! I grab a couple, just in case, and a cloth I wet with cold water. "Here Aph, I'll let you handle it." I said, and handed her the supplies. "Ok, I was in first aid class, so this should be easy. First Kawaii~Chan, try not to flinch, but I'm going to wipe off the blood using the cloth, ok?" Aphmau asked, holding the cloth. "O-ok, Kawaii~Chan wants to tell you about the story..." Kawaii~Chan flinched in the pain. "S-so, Kawaii~Chan and the rest of us were about to sleep, when suddenly, a crash noise came from the window, but quiet enough so you wouldn't hear up there." She pointed to the top of the stairs. "Ow! S-so then, there was a m-man, he took us captive, Kawaii~Chan and Donna~Chan first, and we had a cloth on our mouth so we couldn't talk or anything. Than, Logan~Sun and Brendan~Sun came out of the washroom and saw us. The man started running out the window, and the glass scraped Kawaii~Chan's arm." Kawaii~Chan pointed to her cut where Aph was tending to. "We were put in a van, and Logan~Sun and Brendan~Sun ran after us, using their bicycles. Kawaii~Chan doesn't know anything else, Kawaii~Chan blacked out and was waken up here." She said. "Only you? What about Donna?" I asked. "All Kawaii~Chan knows is that Kawaii~Chan blacked out and woke up here. Donna~Chan wasn't seen." Kawaii~Chan replied. "Oh.. I see..." I said. "Do you know where they might be?" Aph asked Kawaii~Chan. "Kawaii~Chan only has one idea, and that idea might be correct!" Kawaii~Chan said firmly.

~Time Travel to Kawaii~Chan's Place of Idea~ (does that make sense?)
"Ok, we're here." Dante parked his car. "Kawaii~Chan, do you recognize this place?" Nicole asked. "Kawaii~Chan isn't too sure, but let's look anyways." Kawaii~Chan said. "It's creepy in here... I'm scared Garroth..." Aphmau said, as we walked in. "It's ok, I'll protect with my life, no matter what." I said firmly, and I kissed Aphmau and hugged her. "T-thanks Garroth..." Aph replied. "Ahhh! SPIDER!!" Nicole whisper yelled. Dante stepped on it and killed it as we headed up the stairs. "As long as we're together, nothing can stop us, hopefully." I said. "Kawaii~Chan, are we going the right way?" Dante asked. "Kawaii~Chan is SURE that this is the right place." Kawaii~Chan said. We reached the top of the stairs, and we saw a ladder headed up. "I never knew this cabin was so big on the inside..." Aph said quietly.

Aphmau's POV

This place is huge on the inside! It looked like there was only one floor outside, but boy is this a big house! "Who's going to go up first...?" I asked, scared if it was going to be me. "No girls going up, only the guys..." Nicole said, and looked at Dante. Dante gave a mad-happy smile, and Nicole snickered. "Well, I guess it's one of us Dante." Garroth said, then put his hand on his shoulder. "Look, I know you don't want to do it either, but I'll go instead." Garroth said. "Wish me luck."  Garroth looked back at us as he got on the first step. I watched him go up and up the ladder, then he opened the trapdoor to the 3rd level. "It's safe, I think. Come up!" Garroth shouted down to us. We started to climb the ladder, one by one. We saw something that we thought we would never again see in our lives...

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN HAHAHAHAHAHHA IM SOOOO EVIL!!! I'm sorry, ahem, go on with the authors note. -points down- no, not down there! Down the page! Geez, no need to be dirty!

Author's Note

Hehe, I promise that next chapter you'll find out the thing that they see, hehe, I'm actually really excited and pumped up for next chapter! Heh, you won't ever believe it. Ok, I'm having a tiny writers block, but my creativity river is still flowing, but not overflowing anymore. 😓 So yeah! The thing I like about authors note is that I can do whatever I want here! Like, be myself and stuff, so yeah! Next chapter... Idk when, maybe a few days? It's going to be short, maybe 500+ words? I'm not sure about that since there's going to be lots of detail. Ok, off to right the next chapter! And school is so hard! I'm literally dying of the math I have to do, I'm doing something that I don't even understand! And it's grade 9/10 math and I'm in grade 6! Oh, just saying, the school I'm talking about is a tutoring class called Kumon, you might have heard of it since its worldwide. Ok, bye bye!

Phoenix Drop High Garroth x Aphmau Fanfiction (High School Edition)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz