Grandpa in love! WE ARE TWO!

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I can see by the look on her face, that she didn't like my letter! I could say that she is in panic! But she isn't, right? RIGHT? I mean we love each other!

Ok! Maybe I need to work more in my next letter! Yeah! I'm going to destroy the other three letters and write a new one! A special one! To show her how I feel about her! Look at Her! She looks so scared.

She is looking at everywhere searching for me. I could be happy, but the look on her face... Makes me sad! I'm writing a new one that's it!

Suddenly, she gets up from the bench and starts running to a red car. She enters in the passenger's door. I can see it's her brother who is driving. What a relief?


"I'm home!" I say while I enter the door.

"In the kitchen!" I hear my grandpa saying. I go to the kitchen and I see my granpa cooking something in the stove.

"Hey grandpa!" "Hey dude! How was the first day?"

"It was... ok!"

"Ok? Really? That's the best you got."

"Ok, if you prefer I can say boring!" My grandpa laughs and I smile. I put my schoolbag in the table and I sit in the chair.

"So, why are you cooking so soon? I mean it's just 5:47pm!" (A/N: Did I write it well?)

"This is not dinner! This is a special recipe from my mother to cure the back pain!"

Is anyone else thinking this is weird?

"And you need to cook it..." I say nodding my head and trying to understand.

"Well Ross... This recipe is fluid! I'm doing it in the pan."

"Like a drink?" I ask already disgusted.

"No stupid. It needs water, pineapples, carrots and a lettuce. I mix everything and it gets liquid. Then you have to put it in the fridge and when it's in "cream state" you can apply on your back! It really works!" My grandpa says while he keeps mixing.

"So you have back pain?" I ask. He looks at me, blushes and looks at the ground. I never saw my grandpa blushing!

"Grandpa! Who has the back pain?" I ask teasingly.

"Mrs. Joans" He answers.

"Our neighbor? Oh God! YOU ARE IN LOVE!" I say all happy while I get up from the chair and I hug my grandpa.

"No, I am not!"

"Yes, you are! Nick William Lynch in love! WOW!"

"Shut up Ross! Don't you have homework to do?" I smile.

"Saved by homework, Nick!" I laugh, grab my schoolbag, and I head upstairs.

While I'm doing Biology's homework, I cannot stop thinking in Laura. 

Was the letter that bad?

I though it was romantic! I guess I was wrong! I sigh. I grab my phone and I text her.

"Hey babe. I was thinking in your face when you were reading the letter today... And I saw that you weren't happy. 

But don't worry you, next one is going to be super hiper mega romantic!!!

With Love

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