What the...?

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We went upstairs.

Her house is really, really big.

My bedroom it's cool.

Well, at least in my opinion.

I mean: my bedroom was in jail during eighteen years, so... I can't compliment!

I am laying down in my bed.

Did you know the bed doesn't touch the ground?



One of the weirdest things I saw here was:

A watch!


Laura told me if I want to see the time I use a app named: 《cucu》

My reaction was exactly like yours:

What the fuck?

But, let me tell you how it works:

Imagine, you are in your bed very relaxed and suddenly you, want to know the time. You ask: What time is it?

And it's here where the app works:

A eletronic bird; installed in the house; will appear by your side and tell you the time!

I know!

That doesn't make any sense.

The future is weird.

Who the hell have that idea?

That app is so stupid!


I hear someone knocking at my door.

"Come in!"

The door disappears and Jake appears in the other side of the door.

I get up and sit on the bed.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Hhm... I wanted to talk with you." He enters in the room and the door appears again.

"Ok! Have a seat."

He snaps his fingers and a chair appears in front of me.

Laura didn't tell me about that!

He sits there and looks at me.

"So... What do you want to talk about?"

"My mom!"

I look at him... Confused.

I really am confused!

"Your mom? But... Why?" I ask.

"I know... What happened!
Between you in high school!"

Oh boy!

Just what I wanted!

Another enemy!

And this one is a teenager with fourteen years old, ready to attack!

"I know, what my mom suffered because of you!"

"Yeah! I know that too! Because I spent eighteen years in jail. I know you probably don't want me here, because of what I did, but I-"

"I want to help you conquer my mother!"

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