Explaning to you

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Hello again! The best commentarie was written by: @xanime4lifex...

I will dedicate this chapter to you! Thank you for comment!


Explain me: why did she write it?

@xanime4lifex: She wrote it because she's scared of you and you are driving her crazy! The poor girl can't even sleep at night thinking that you are stalking her! She doesn't want to live this way so she decided to commit suicide! This is all your fault! Besides she practically doesn't know you and here you are saying that you'll kill anyone for her! That's just insane! I mean you say you love her but you slapped her and beat the life out of her! You call that love?

HEY! I don't need you to be harsh! Okay? I'm not a stalker! That would be ridiculous! She never mentioned suicide to me! OH WAIT! She did! But, the letter doesn't count! She does know me! We are meant to be! She has to know me! If she doesn't, that is because she is sick or crazy!

Yeah! I would kill anyone for her! I am already tired of saying the same things, again and again! And believe in what I say: THAT'S NOT INSANE! I slapped her and beat the life out of her, because she was being a b*tch! DON'T DENY IT!

Tell me truth! I did what is right, right?

I know I did! I always do what is right!

I really, really, really, really, really like you! You are such a good adviser! I love to talk with you!


Where am I , you ask!

In my house...

What about Laura, you ask!

Well, I couldn't be there with her forever! I let her there!

I bet her parents or brother, are going to take her to the hospital when they find her!

Okay! Don't start throwing shoes at me or something!

I couldn't be there! I really couldn't because... My grandpa would beat me til I am dead, for beat in her!

If I'm regretful?

Not even a little! Sorry, if you thought the opposite! I really didn't want to disappoint you! But... WHATEVER! I don't even care!


Yes! I am in my house, in my bedroom, playing a game in my phone!

I'm such a good liar!

I'm writing an sms! To Laura! I mean: who else?

No! It's not a sms to apologize!

It's a worried sms!

Let's stop with this shit, do you want to read the sms or not?

Babe, did your parents took you to the hospital already?

-With Love



Okay! Now we have to wait for her answer!

And wait...




You know some couples answer each other instantly!

I guess me and Laura are not one of that couples!

I sigh!


Sorry! I know it's short! But I got some things to do in home, so...

See you next Friday!

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