The Wall Covered With Hapiness!

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"Hhm! Hello! I'm Ross!" I walk to him and I extend my right hand.

He looks at me with a weird face, and then does a forced smile!


It's scary!

"I cannot belive, you have the courage of step in my house, after what you did at my wife in the past!" He says with a very, very serious face!

He takes one step closer.

I have the feeling this is not going to end well for me!

But... My salvation is my stupidness!

Yeah! I know the right word is 《stupidity》 but, I wanted to show you I really am a fool.


Because, like I always do: I talked too soon!

Laura just walked between us!


I forgot!

Laura is my Salvation too!



"Harry please! We talked about this!"

"I know we did! But, I had hope he would be smarter and he wouldn't accept your idea!" He says turning around. At the moment he is looking at the wall!

A wall, fully covered with pictures!


Without they notice, I walk to the wall! I need to touch! Just like a kid needs candy!

"Are you saying my idea is stupid?"

"Of course not! Laura! Baby! Please tell me, you are not really thinking in letting him stay here!"



This wall is not cool!

The pictures!

The stupid pictures are of their wedding! And Laura with a baby in her arms! He must be Jake! And some of Harry and Laura hugging!

Why can't I break this wall?

"And why not? This morning you were not worried!"

"Well... I thought you weren't talking about this seriously!"

"Well, I was!"

Hey! Look! It's Laura! She is pregnant!


Wait a minute...

Do you know where babies come from?

Even worst!

What did Laura and Harry do?

"I don't like this idea! Laura! He did so many bad things to you and I cannot unders-"

"But he already payed for it!"

I hear Harry sighing.

"Come on!" Laura begs.

He sighs again.

"Ok! You won! He can stay!"

"I love you!" Laura says.

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