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I am in school. Maybe you are asking: Didn't his grandpa say that he would have home lessons? Yes, he did. And yes, I am going to have home lessons! I'm here with my granpa, because he wants to talk with the director about me exiting the school!

My grandpa is inside the director's office, and I'm walking to my locker, to take all my things off.

When I am almost reaching my locker, I see Laura in hers. She is wearing a skirt with flowers drawed in it, and a bergundy top with sleeves within the skirt and her hair is in beautiful curls. She is very focused in it, so I decide to surprise her!

I go behind her very quickly, and when I am really close, I jump: "BOO!" She jumps scared and gasps, letting fall one book in the ground, I start laughing, putting a hand in my stomach, when I look at her she is very scaried, shaking, and with her right hand in her heart.

"Hey! Don't be scared, it's me." I go closer to her, and with my finger I caress her arm. She gasps, and shakes more.

"Hey! Don't be scared really!" I say.

"Wh-Wh-What did y-you do t-to Geor-George?" 

Him again? I look at her, and I may be with a scare face, because she lets a tear fall from her eye.

"He is dead!" I say very naturally, while she starts taking steps back.

"YOU ARE A MONSTER!" She says very loud. Everybody looks at us. I don't like her tone. I really don't!

"Shut up! Remember your parents and your brother! You don't want Billy appearing without his head by your side in bed." I warn-whisper. She closes her eyes, and sighs.

"Or maybe Taylor!" I continue and smile. "Do you want something happen to Taylor?"

She nods negatively, and very fast.

I look at her, and sigh.

"You are being selfish! You aren't thinking in my feelings!" I go close to her, and she takes one step back. I lick my lips.

She wipes her tears, inpires; expires; inpires; expires, then looks at me and says: 

"Please, don't do anything bad anymore. Ross, you are... You are being scary! Don't do anything you are going to regret soon. Just... Just do like every boys and accept that I don't feel the same about you! I know you wouldn't kill, but... Still... It's very scary! Stop! Stop this and move on!"

I smile.

"Oh Laura! My innocent Laura! You don't know what love is! Every guy is capable of everything to the woman he loves. Kill if it is necessary!"

"NO! Ross stop! I'm already scared!"

"Well, don't be, but you have to conform you that I will do everything that is necessary to have you! Everything!" The bell rings and she starts running away.

I go to my locker and I take everything out. Then I go to the front door and my grandpa is already there. We go to house, because apparently my grandpa has to do some calls, and find a teacher for me!
I am so sorry! But R5 is in Portugal at the moment and I am so excited that they are spending 4 days in here! I am always on twitter and instagram trying to find News about them!!!!

Its short but I promise that next week I will do long chapters again.


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