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After two hours of hearing this guy talking about Math. He is finally open to a break at 11:00AM! If I learn something? No! Do you think I was really hearing him?
"Ok! Let's take a break and then we start with Biology." He afirms while I close my book.
I am out of my mind with this guy!
He cannot shut up for a moment! God help me please!!!

Laura's pov: (Special)

《It is okay! He wouldn't do nothing of what he said.》《He was just trying to scare you!》《He wouldn't kill George! George is missing because he went... to the doctor! Yeah! It's that!》
I look like a psycho talking to myself!
What am I going to do?
If I denounce him, he will hurt my family or Taylor. But... If I denounce him he will be in jail and he can't do anything! But... In the movies they always have friends that hurt the protagonist and kill her, because she talked more than what was suppose to talk. And he says that he killed that boy and George! Should I believe a psycho?
Help me please! Please! I need to cry! I could call Taylor but... I would end up telling her what is really happening to me, and she would freak out and run to the police station, and... He doesn't want that! Yeah! I didn't tell Taylor what is really happening to me! Yesterday, in the first period she found me shaking, so I told her I saw a mouse! I hate them! Every time I see one I cry a all day if it is necessary! But at this moment a mouse wouldn't be so bad!
What do you think I should do?
Tell the police or Keep with this torture?
Where am I? You ask.
I am in the beach! Alone. Looking at... (sigh) I don't even know what I'm looking at! I don't have classes in the afternoon today and I wanted to be alone and think in everything what is happening to me! But... Now that I am here! This creppy feeling doesn't leave me! What if he is looking at me? Watching me? What if he...? Tell me your opinion about one thing: Do you really think he could kill? That is crazy right? Right? He wouldn't do that! That is just his hormones talking! But it's true that people say that he killed his neighbor! People talk a lot anyway! And most part of the time it is all a lie! A bif fat lie! Anyway, my thoughts have to be interrupted by phone buzzing.

I wipe some tears and I grab my bag. There I take my phone out and I see an sms from... HIM! I immediatly start shaking! I look around but I see no one! I open the sms:

Babe, where are you? I know I should be always by your side, but my particular teacher is really annoying and I couldn't end my class sooner than this! So... I know you don't have classes in the Thursdays afternoon and I went to pick you up at school but, you weren't there; then I went to your house and for the first time, I knocked at the front door but, your brother said that he didn't know where you are! I thought in pedal to the restaurant where your mother and father work (Yeah! I know where your mom and dad work. It is a restaurant called "Bucci Betha" your father is the boss and your mom helps working as a waitress. You are not shocked that I know; are you?) but, it is a little far and it would kill me of weariness if I went with my bike. So... Princess of my heart, my question is: WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU? DON'T RUN FROM ME! DON'T RUN FROM OUR LOVE! DON'T RUN FROM OUR DESTINY! DON'T YOU DARE LAURA MARIE MARANO!
NOW... Tell me where are you! NOW!


I cry... I cannot live like this! I started our last year four days ago and I cannot endure all this pressure! Four days! In four days this guy turns my life upside down in a bad way!
I need help. I need a second brain! I need... I don't know what I need! I am completly lost! I want my life like it was four days ago! I want to run! But... What if he follows me? What if... I don't know! I cannot live a all year scared like this! I really can't! I am not strong enough to keep my mouth shut and live with this fear feeling forever!
Maybe... I should put a end in my life!

Ross' pov:

She doesn't answer me! This girl needs to know some maneirs! I told her I wanted her to tell me where she is! And she... Ignores me like I am stupid! I am going to find her, that is a promise! Believe me!
I already went to all the stores of three streets and I am tired.
Now, I am going to the beach! Yeah! To the beach! I know what you are thinking: "The beach is really big and the chances of him to find her are very low!" Am I right? You were thinking this weren't you? I know I am genius! Okay, anyway: it is not impossible to find her! The Autumn is coming and today the wind is very strong so, I bet the beach is almost empty! Maybe there are some couples walking hand in hand! Or some tourists taking photos! But, the beach it is not full! I bet!
After some minutes, I finally arrived! I put my bike stuck in a bench with a padlock. Then I take off my trainers and I grab them with my right hand. And...
I start walking by the sea looking everywhere. What I see is: Sand. Shells. Rocks. Sea. Waves. Big waves. Emptiness. A couple making out. More sand. More rocks. More waves. More big waves. More couples. And some people alone throwing rocks to the sea. Ok! She is not here!
I was walking to the pavement. I had to go back and fetch my bike. While I was walking I see a familiar body sitted in a rock, not really far from the pavement and me! Is it her? I cannot see very well! I start approaching, and while I approach my certains of being her are more solid! But of course my phone rings.
I take my phone out of my pocket and I see my grandpa in the ID. I pick up:
"What now Nick?" I say with a mad tone.
"Don't talk to me in that tone little boy! Where are you?"
"It is not of your business!"
"I don't care if it is of my business or not. I want you home now! We have to talk!"
"Can't you wait?" I say while I look at the feminine figure.
"No! We have to talk now! And I want you home in five minutes! I am counting!" He hangs up before I can protest.
I look at my phone and that figure and after some seconds of reflection I decide to go home.
"You are late 10 minutes. I said five minutes!" I sat on the couch.
"Whatever! What do you want?"
"Why did you send Mr. Morgan home sooner? Your classes are suppose to be in the morning, and afternoon. To be exact you have six hours for day. 9:00AM-12:00AM/ 1:00PM-4:00PM"
"Well I had two hours of Math, then he gave me a pause of five minutes and then I had fifty-five minutes of Biology. At 12:00AM (i dont know if its still AM) we had lunch. Then at exactly 1:00PM I had one hour of Science. I was completly tired for a first day so... I told him that tomorrow we would compensate the two hours missing."
"So you prefer have eight hours tomorrow?"
"Well... Yes!"
He sighs.
"Ok!" He says and gets up of the couch.
"If you need me, I will be in my bedroom seeing "Pretty Little Liars". You should do your homework."
"I don't have. He said that I worked really well for a first day so..." I say while I lay down in the couch. He nods and starts walking to his bedroom.
I will try update tomorrow.
Bye!!!! I ❤ U

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