Good News?

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Hello guys this is my first fan fiction. If you haven't guessed its about Harry and Louis. Go ahead and vote. I know this chapter is a little short but trust me they get longer. I will update when I can.
"Guys, I've got some news." Louis spoke as all the boys sat down to listen. I fiddled with my thumbs, waiting for Louis to tell us the news. "Well you know how me and Briana have been hanging out a lot. 

"Yeah what about it." Liam said with furrowed brows. I stared back at the hardwood floor and kept playing with my thumbs not interested in what he has to say about her. I've never liked Briana, she came out of nowhere.

"Speak." Niall said curious of what Louis has to say while stuffing a cracker into his mouth. I began picking at the hang nail on my thumb.

"Well... I'm gonna be a dad." Louis said with a big smile. I froze and looked up at him in disbelief, he must be pulling a string, there is no way Louis is going to be a dad. I thought he loved me? I didn't know what to say so I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.

I locked the door and slumped down to the ground against the floor. This can't be happening, Louis told me he loved me and would always be by my side. 

I felt tears come down, falling on my jeans, I tried to make as little noise as possible but it's not possible. I heard a knock on the door. I ignored it and continued crying. 

"hey mate, you kay?" Niall asked, I shook my head no but then remembered Niall couldn't see me. Louis didn't even bother come and explain, he is probably with Briana and the boys. "Harry, open up it's just me." 

Exactly it's him not Louis. But either way I wouldn't open up for Louis.

 "Ni.... just leave...please." I managed to say through my cries. 

There were some footsteps, a sign that Niall has left. I got up and paced around the little room. This is a dream right. No it's a nightmare, once I awake everything will be fine and I will wake up next to Louis.

I pinched myself a couple times but nothing happened except my skin turning a bright red color. A sign that it's going to bruise. 

I walked towards the mirror and looked at my face. My eyes were covered in small red lines. The bags under my eyes were huge from all the nights I stayed awake hoping Louis would come back begging me to take him back.

But that never happend.

I sat back down against the door and put my head in my hands. I pulled on my hair, why is Louis doing this to me? First Eleanor then Briana and now a baby?

I am interrupted from my thoughts to the sound of knocking on the door. 

"Harry, can I speak to you?" Louis voice fills the little room. Do I want to speak? No I just want to bury myself underground and cry and never come out.

I stayed silent wanting to disappear and never be found.

What did you think so far? I'm not the best at writing but hey I'm working on it.

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