Marriage? Part 24

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It was very nice to just relax and interact with Louis' family. It was different because usually the whole family was spread out. Lottie was usually on tour with us while the other girls except Georgia stayed with Jay. This was actually the second time I get to see Georgia and it's pretty nerve wrecking. 

The first time we met was for Louis 20 birthday. We didn't say much, I hope she doesn't dislike me.  

"Harry! Can we put makeup on you?" Daisy asked. Phoebe turned around with a smile. I shook my head and the pouted. Damn that Tomlinson pout.

"Fine." I gave in. 

"Were going to make you look beautiful just for Lou. It will be a lovely surprise, isn't that right Daisy?" Phoebe asked. Daisy nodded and began grabbing her makeup items. 

"Just don't go overboard." I playfully warned. I began feeling the ends of brush rub against my skin. When they would mess up it was obvious because they would lick their finger and rub their mistakes from my face. 

"This is my favorite lipstick! It's matte so it may dry your lips a little." Daisy warned. She began applying the lipstick to my lips. 

"Okay, we're almost done! All you need to do is this." Phoebe demonstrated. She began to rub her lips together. I did as they told and spread the product on my lips.

"Can I do your hair? Just to add the perfect touch?" Phoebe asked. I sighed but nodded. I want the girls to adore me, so I'll do what ever it takes. 

Phoebe began pulling my hair back and weaving it. This occurred for the next ten minutes; pulling, tying, and repeat. Phoebe released my hair and stepped back. 

"You look absolutely  amazing." Daisy complimented. Phoebe handed me a small mirror. I took it and examined my face. 

"My lips look like a dessert." I commented. I gave the mirror back to the girls.

"Harry!" Louis called. Daisy and Phoebe pushed each other and pointed at me while giggling.

"IN HERE LOU!" Daisy yelled. Louis footsteps were getting louder and louder as he approached us. 

"Nice hair Haz." Louis complimented. He began walking closer to me so he was right in front of me. A big smile spread across his smug face. 

"Doesn't he look lovely?" Daisy asked Louis. 

"He looks...very lovely." Louis agreed. It looked like Louis was going to laugh or he was just really happy. "Girls why don't you go help mom."

"BUT-" Before they could say anything Louis pointed towards the door. They gave in and left us two. I didn't know what to do. 

"I look ridiculous! I think I'm going to wash this off before anyone else see's me."  I whispered. I honestly didn't know why I was whispering. 

"No. You look beautiful." Louis placed his hands on mine. "Really." 

"You're just saying that." I playfully argued. Louis shook his head and moved closer. 

"I would never lie to you. You look like a princess. My princess." Louis brought his hands to my chin and caressed my cheek. "My princess."

He brought his lips to mine and placed a chaste kiss. It was just simple but I loved it. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"My lips are dry." I whispered. Louis grinned and placed a quick kiss on my lips. 

"I don't mind." Louis said. "as long as I'm kissing you I'm fine." 

A big smiled managed to crawl on my face. Louis pulled in and began kiss me. At first it was just simple then it turned into a more hungry and sloppy type. 

"OOOHH!" Louis and I pulled away quickly. We both turned to see where the noise came from. Daisy and Phoebe were standing by the door frame with a big smile. 

I felt my face heat up. Louis on the other hand had a frown. 

"You little-" Louis started but they girls interrupted him.

"Louis and Harry sitting on a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love then come marriage! Then comes a umm... baby in a baby carriage?" The both chanted in syn while jumping around. 

"I wonder how it would feel if I told mom you two are creeping on people?" Louis hinted towards them. 

I began to think. Marriage, I wonder if Louis has even thought about marriage. Does he plan having a future with me?

"Come on let's go to out room where these two can't bother us." Louis grunted angry at the twins for interrupting us. 

"EWW! You better not do what I think you're going to do." Daisy yelled in disgust. 

"MOM!" Louis yelled. 

"What?" Johannah asked tired traced over her voice. 

"Will you tell the twins to leave us alone?" Louis asked. 

"Daisy and Phoebe! Leave your brother alone!" Jay commanded. The girls only nodded and disappeared into their rooms.

"YES!" Louis chanted. 

"Lou, can you watch the twins?" Jay asked. Louis smile slowly faded and he sighed. 

"I guess." Louis said. "Haz, want to help me?" I was snapped from my thoughts as I nodded to what Louis had said. 

Does Louis want to marry me? I hope he does because I want to get married someday. 


I'm sorry it's short. At least you have an update. 

There is nothing I can say. I have had school and I have my Instagram update account that takes a lot of my free time. I also didn't know what to write about but now I have an idea. Like always vote and leave your comments. 

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