Awkward Lunch

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♚What music video is the GIF from? do you guys know? I'll link the music video if you guys didn't know.♚

Harry's POV

Do I want to talk to James? I bit my lip and fumbled with my thumbs.

Harry: Fine, where do you want to meet?

James responded immediately. I couldn't read the text because stupid Niall took my phone from my hands. I tried to get it back but Niall leaned up against the passenger window so I wouldn't reach him.

"Now Harry answer my question McDonald's? Or Nando's. I could go for a chicken wrap yet I love Nando's. " I shrugged my shoulder and put my hand out waiting until Niall gives me my phone back.

He finally returned it as we pulled into Apple Bee's. I know, Niall couldn't decide so we pulled into the nearest food joint. I hopped out and opened my phone to read the message James sent me.

James: idk and honestly don't care you pick.

Harry: How about Apple Bee's? The one that is next to that gym.

James: k I know where that is see you in a bit.

I put my phone in my back pocket and walked to the entrance.

"Hello, welcome to Apple Bee's. How many? A tall girl with blue eyes and blonde hair said. Niall smiled and Liam scratched his neck.

"Uhh, Four please." I said. She nodded and took us to our table. I looked back at Niall and Liam. They looked confused but just followed.

"Harry, Lou isn't coming. Why are there four? There are three." Liam said pointing to me, Niall, and him.

Louis isn't coming. The mention of his name made me smile. I wonder how he and his girlfriend are doing.

I noded in response and sat down. Liam and Niall sat in front of me leaving an empty seat next to me.

"I hope you don't mind. I invited a friend." I said playing with the napkin dispenser. I tend to get distracted a lot.

"What friend do we know him? Oh what's his name? Does he live around here?" Niall bombarded me with questions.

"His name is James..." I begin to say but i'm cut off.

"You rhymed Harry" Niall giggles

"Haha, anyways I don't think you know him and as for where he live I'm not telling you that." I said. Right then someone walks to our table.

"Hey guys." James said shyly. He waved at me and I waved back. He took a seat next to me and smiled at Liam and Niall.

"So Jake, where are you from?" Niall asks. I put my hands to my face.

"Oh it's actually James and i'm from around here." James stuttered. James seems a little bit intimidated by Liam and Niall.

Niall is about to say something else but is interrupted by the blond waitress.

"What can I get you?" She asked all of us. She grabs her notepad and a pen as she writes down our drinks. I am the last to order.

"I think i'll have some Dr. ice please." I said folding my hands. She hands us the menu before she leaves. I look at it, nothing looks appetizing to me. I set it down and get my phone. the boys look at me and I look at them for a second before I open my social media.

I tweeted a picture of my cast and put the caption. "Never let Niall pick the color of your cast or you'll end up with a very irish arm."

I set down my phone right on time. The waitress brings our drinks and sets them in front of us. We then had to order what we want to eat.

"Oh can I get the hamburger with extra french fries. Oh and the steak please. Wait can I also get the chicken wings." Niall said as he examined every page of the menu.

Liam ordered a burger and as for James he ordered Shepherd's pie. It was my turn to order I didn't feel like eating so I told the waitress to surprise me.

We talked for a while until the food came. I got pasta which Niall was upset. He thought he ordered pasta. I offered pasta to him which was a mistake because I only got three noodles and the rest went to Niall.

We finished eating and I offered to pay even though I didn't eat. I opened the check and found a phone number and a name with it. Grace?

Oh I think that's what the waitresses name was. I threw the paper that contained her digits at Niall. He smiled and put the paper in his pocket. I put the money in the check booklet.

"Harry can I speak to you. Alone?" James asked I noded. I got up and followed him.

"Bye harry, bye Bert. Oh Harry we'll be at your place." Niall yelled from our booth. I couldn't help but laugh at what Niall called James.

"Who the he'll is bert?" James asked as he opened the door for me. I shrugged my shoulders and stepped outside.

"First, I want to apologize about the kiss. Second, I really like you." James said.

i looked everywhere but his eyes. I don't see James the way he see's me.

"James, i'm sorry but I only see you as a friend." I said

"Ohh, well I guess we can be friends." James said. I could tell he is hurt because of the change of tone in his voice.

"How about we go hang out for a little while." I suggest. James nods and walks to his car, I follow him. We stayed at his place for a while. I lied about how I broke my arm though.

My phone went off, who is it? I looked at the screen and Louis appeared on it.

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